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Improving Efficiency in XD* Metadata Usage Recommendations to ITI & PCC Committees Charles Parisot, GE Healthcare.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Efficiency in XD* Metadata Usage Recommendations to ITI & PCC Committees Charles Parisot, GE Healthcare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Efficiency in XD* Metadata Usage Recommendations to ITI & PCC Committees Charles Parisot, GE Healthcare

2 Objectives XD* Metadata is minimally defined in XDS, XCA, XDM, XDR and XCDR Profiles (ITI TF Volume 3) Deployment Projects have matured and demonstrated that some improvements and clarifications should be documented Window of opportunity: many projects around the world are in the process to shape their “second generation” design of XD* Metadata.  Is there something that IHE International should do to support and facilitate this process ?

3 Why does it matter now ? Build Metadata right : once deployed at a large scale, an XDS/XCA based project, cannot change its metadata specification easily. It matters in several places around the world: – USA: DAF and CareEquality – Europe with epSOS moving to production (CEF) – Other countries interested: Japan, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Denmark, etc. – HL7 FHIR and MHD to deploy in 2017. – Apply to Connectathon in January 2016 !

4 Proposal – Organize for success and speed Establish an focused team of seasoned representatives from 8-10 experienced projects around the world: – Gain the support of CareEquality in their new Query specifications (based on XCA/XCPD) – Gain the support of 5-8 other national projects in Europe and Asia. – Gain the support of the US S&I DAF Initiative Leverage the DAF Appendix B Trial Implementation as a starting point (98% international). Once approved, this “XD* Metadata Design Recommendations” could be referenced by: – DAF TI (with a new CP) – Care Equality in their Query Document Specification – Other Country specifications – IHE Connectathons in 2015

5 Proposal – Choose the right process The format of a White is Paper is : – Most friendly format for education and discussion – Quick to kick-off – Lacks stability to be referenced by national projects The format of a Change Proposal is: – Stability to be referenced. Once approved is integral to TF – Well understood in term of approval weight Use the DAF Appendix B (XCA/XCPD) Trial Implementation as a starting point (98% international). An New Appendix to ITI TF Volume 3 with recommendations on “XD* Metadata design” seems the likely main outcome. Once approved, this “XD* Metadata Design Recommendations” could be referenced by: – DAF TI (with a new CP) – Care Equality in their Query Document Specification – Other Country specifications – IHE Connectathons in 2015

6 Three Decisions 1.Is it a problem that needs to be addressed ?  Needs a joint decision by ITI and PCC 2.Is the timeframe now with a “solution to be referenced” by October 2015 ?  Needs a joint decision by ITI and PCC  Need the engagement of the seasoned stakeholders  Short-term timing to support connectathon and projects 3.What is the right IHE Process to follow ?  Develop a White Paper, once approved, derive a CP and issue for approval  Develop a White Paper that includes a CP, co-ballot the White Paper/CP for combined approval

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