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14 th January 2016. The Decision Those students currently studying 4 subjects need to decide whether to continue 4 subjects into Y13 or whether to drop.

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Presentation on theme: "14 th January 2016. The Decision Those students currently studying 4 subjects need to decide whether to continue 4 subjects into Y13 or whether to drop."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 th January 2016

2 The Decision Those students currently studying 4 subjects need to decide whether to continue 4 subjects into Y13 or whether to drop one after the AS exams. That has always been a decision students make during the second half of Y12. With the changes to how A levels are assessed, that decision needs to be made earlier this year: by the 29 th January 2016.

3 Purpose of This Evening To help inform this decision, which should be made by the student with the support of both parents and staff.

4 ‘New’ A Levels The Government is introducing linear A levels, which are meant to be studied for two years and then assessed by exams at the end of Y13. The new system removes the possibility of re-takes. AS exams in the ‘New’ A levels are worth 40% but do not count to the full A level qualification and assess differently. There is no point sitting an AS exam in a ‘New’ A level if you want to do the full two year course.

5 Are you studying New? Art Art Design Graphics Business Biology Chemistry Economics English Literature English Lang & Lit History Photography Psychology Physics Sociology Textiles These are Linear

6 ‘Old’ A Levels ‘Old’ A levels are modular. They have either 4 or 6 modules that are taken across the two years with half done at the end of Y12 and the other half at the end of Y13. AS exams in ‘Old’ A levels make up 50% of the whole A level qualification.

7 Are You studying ‘Old’? Drama French Further Maths Geography ICT Mathematics Media Music Music Technology PE Philosophy Product Design Spanish These are Modular

8 The Form! Before we go any further, you have a form on your chair to help you. Please write your subjects in now and whether they are ‘New’ and ‘Old’ so you can see the decision to be made. You may be able to complete this tonight and hand it in; if not the student needs to return it by 29 th January 2016.


10 Exceptions Core Maths: this is an AS but is taken over the two years so there are no exams this summer. EPQ: this is an AS, but without an exam. It will be completed in October 2016.

11 If You are studying only ‘Old’ You do not need to make a decision now. You will be entered for the AS exams and can decide after the results. You will have exams in these modular subjects in May / June and this will make up 50% of your A level. You will also have a chance to do re-sits in summer 2017, if you choose to pay for another chance.

12 If you are studying only 3 courses You do not have to make a choice regardless of whether you are studying ‘New’ or ‘Old’. You will be entered for ‘Old’ AS exams in the summer. You will not be entered for ‘New’ AS exams but will sit the full A level in summer 2017.

13 If you are studying 4 courses in a mix of ‘New’ and ‘Old’. This next section applies to you. If you are one of the previous two groups, please do go and start the parents’ evening and see staff. I don’t want to bore you!

14 Options Scenario 1: You are studying four courses and you know which one you want to drop. Talk to your staff tonight to confirm your decision; complete the form and hand it in. If the subject you want to drop is ‘New’, you will be entered for the AS exam.

15 Scenario 2 You are taking 4 subjects and don’t want to drop any / don’t know which to drop. Talk to your staff tonight about your progress in all subjects; think about your workload and career ambitions. Don’t drop any but if the workload gets too much in Y13, take the AS exam in summer 2017 instead of the full A level if the course you choose to discontinue is ‘New’.

16 Scenario 2 cont. If the subject you choose to discontinue in Y13 is ‘Old’, you can stop taking it (with discussion, of course) as you will already have the AS exams from this summer.

17 Scenario 3 You want to apply for Medicine / Oxford / Cambridge and think you need AS results. You don’t. More emphasis is placed on entrance exams (LNAT, BMAT, TST, STET....) than on AS results. You need a minimum of 6 grades at A or above at GCSE and then prepare thoroughly for the tests rather than waste your energies.

18 Study Leave Students will still need some study leave during the exam period. This will be the two weeks before half term: Monday 16 th May -5 th June. Lessons will resume on Monday 6 th June. There will still be a few exams going on and students will be expected to see staff to negotiate if they need to miss a lesson for an exam or revision. For example, if they have an afternoon exam, they could have the morning off beforehand.

19 Principles No one should be made to sit an unnecessary exam. Students should be supported to make responsible choices about their studies and ambitions. Challenge, Control, Commitment, Community.

20 A summary of the scenarios is on the back of the form Any Questions? Please make the most of seeing staff this evening and do come and talk to us if you need further help or advice. Thank you for coming.

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