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I II III III. Also called the Factor-Label Method for solving problems Dimensional Analysis.

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1 I II III III. Also called the Factor-Label Method for solving problems Dimensional Analysis

2 A. SI Prefix Conversions 1.Find the difference between the exponents of the two prefixes. 2.Move the decimal that many places. To the left or right?

3 = A. SI Prefix Conversions NUMBER UNIT NUMBER UNIT 532 m = _______ km 0.532

4 A. SI Prefix Conversions mega-M10 6 deci-d10 -1 centi-c10 -2 milli-m10 -3 PrefixSymbolFactor micro-  10 -6 nano-n10 -9 pico-p10 -12 kilo-k10 3 move left move right BASE UNIT---10 0

5 A. SI Prefix Conversions 1) 20 cm = ______________ m 2) 0.032 L = ______________ mL 3) 45  m = ______________ nm 4) 805 dm = ______________ km 0.2 0.0805 45,000 32

6 B. Dimensional Analysis  The “Factor-Label” Method=  A method of using units (labels, dimensions) to analyze and solve word problems –Cancel out units (dimensions)!

7 B. Dimensional Analysis  Steps: 1.Identify the final units of the answer (and necessary equalities) 2. Start by writing the given (magnitude and dimension) 3. Cancel units using conversion factor equalities (the numerator must equal denominator) 4. Multiply all top numbers & divide by each bottom number. (calculate the numbers!)

8 B. Dimensional Analysis  Lining up conversion factors: 1 in = 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 1 in = 2.54 cm 1 in 1 in = 1 1 =

9 B. Dimensional Analysis  How many milliliters are in 1.00 quart of milk? 1.00 qt 1 L 1.057 qt = 946 mL qtmL 1000 mL 1 L 

10 B. Dimensional Analysis  You have 1.5 pounds of gold. Find its volume in cm 3 if the density of gold is 19.3 g/cm 3. lbcm 3 1.5 lb 1 kg 2.2 lb = 35 cm 3 1000 g 1 kg 1 cm 3 19.3 g

11 B. Dimensional Analysis  How many liters of water would fill a container that measures 75.0 in 3 ? 75.0 in 3 (2.54 cm) 3 (1 in) 3 = 1.23 L in 3 L 1 L 1000 cm 3

12 B. Dimensional Analysis 5) Your European hairdresser wants to cut your hair 8.0 cm shorter. How many inches will he be cutting off? 8.0 cm1 in 2.54 cm = 3.2 in cmin

13 B. Dimensional Analysis 6) Taft football needs 550 cm for a 1st down. How many yards is this? 550 cm 1 in 2.54 cm = 6.0 yd cmyd 1 ft 12 in 1 yd 3 ft

14 B. Dimensional Analysis 7) A piece of wire is 1.3 m long. How many 1.5-cm pieces can be cut from this wire? 1.3 m 100 cm 1 m = 86 pieces cmpieces 1 piece 1.5 cm

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