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Second Great Awakening. What was the first great Awakening.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Great Awakening. What was the first great Awakening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Great Awakening

2 What was the first great Awakening

3 First Great Awakening  predominately Calvinist orientation  Jonathan Edwards or George Whitefield had stressed the sinful nature of humans  Salvation was purely in God's hands, something he dispensed as he saw fit for his own reasons.

4  How were middle-class domestic ideals shaped and reinforced by the Second Great Awakening?

5 Second Great Awakening (1790-1850)  Charles Finney, the leading evangelical of mid-nineteenth century America, put it: "religion is the work of man, it is something for man to do."  Focused ability of humans to turn away from sinful behavior and embrace moral action  Opposed to predestination.  Known for camp meetings



8 Second Great Awakening  Evangelical churches affectionate communities,  gatherings of the like-minded and like- feeling that were organized around ideas of mutual concern, love, and obligation.

9 Reform  They were prepare the way for Christ's Second Coming, bringing about the thousand-year reign of righteousness that would precede his return to earth.  Church members, moreover, were charged to tend to the needs of the less fortunate among them and offer aid to other communicants who had suffered misfortune.

10 Reform  Lead to Reform movements such as:  Abolition (Formal presentation)  Women’s Rights (formal presentation)  Education Reform (

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