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2016 DOE EPSCoR State Implementation Grants Program January 7, 2016 Contact : Richard Cristina.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 DOE EPSCoR State Implementation Grants Program January 7, 2016 Contact : Richard Cristina."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 DOE EPSCoR State Implementation Grants Program January 7, 2016 Contact : Richard Cristina Dumitrescu 1 Program info :

2 1.Overview of DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grants Program 2.WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation 3.Open Discussion 2 AGENDA

3 Although the 2016 DOE EPSCoR State Implementation Program has not been released yet, the application deadline is likely to be in April of 2016. While we wait for the release of this year’s solicitation, here is the link to most recent solicitation (2014): We do not expect major changes in this year’s solicitation. Due dates: Submission of Letter of Intent: Monday, January 11, 2016 at 5 PM EST Pre‐Proposal Submission: Friday, January 29, 2016 at 5 PM EST Letters of Intent and Pre‐Proposals should be submitted electronically to WV EPSCoR Director, Jan Taylor: Teams involving WVU researchers should also send their Letters of Intent and Pre‐Proposals to: 3 Overview of DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant Program

4 The state of West Virginia is permitted to submit a single proposal. Therefore, investigators are encouraged to build on existing collaborations or develop new collaborations with faculty at other WV academic institutions and/or with WV industries. A broad‐based set of investigators is NOT a requirement for selection of a pre‐proposal to advance to submission, but it is expected that the state EPSCoR committee will also look more favorably upon proposals that include a broad range of co‐investigators. If other institutions in West Virginia will also develop DOE EPSCoR Program proposals, the WV State EPSCoR committee will then quickly select the a single proposal to advance from WV. WV EPSCoR will complete its review before the end of February, 2016. For additional information contact: Dr. Jan Taylor Dr. Richard Bajura Project Director, WV EPSCoR WV DOE EPSCoR Program Coordinator Director Division of Science and Research National Res. Cen. for Coal & Energy WV Higher Education Policy Commission West Virginia University 304-558-4128 Ext. 3 304-293-6034 4 Overview of DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant Program

5 There are 5 general requirements for research teams to address in the pre-proposal: Identify enhanced academic R&D competitiveness for the team and sustained support after the DOE program is concluded. Formulate a program with a coherent focus on a research area includes workforce development provisions as described in the DOE announcement related to junior faculty, postdoctoral staff, and graduate / undergraduate students. Construct a strong management plan that will ensure success of the program. Provide summary budget information that describes the work effort and identifies any cost sharing contributions that may be offered from the respective team members. Develop a working relationship with a DOE Program Office that would co-fund 10% of the research supported by the DOE EPSCoR program (a requirement of DOE EPSCoR). 5 WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant

6 6 The following list of rating criteria is taken from the referenced 2014 FOA, page 28, Merit Review Criteria. The weighting factors for these criteria were not identified by DOE. Additional amplification is provided in the FOA and the notes following this section. Scientific and/or technical merit Appropriateness of proposed method or approach Competency of personnel and adequateness of resources, and Reasonableness and appropriateness of budget Summary of DOE Merit Review Criteria DOE EPSCoR will use additional criteria, also identified on page 28 of the 2014 FOA. Complete information in the “Observation on DOE EPSCoR Merit Review Criteria” at

7 7 WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant The Pre-Proposals submitted to WV EPSCoR will consist of the following sections: 1.Cover Page - Template provided 2. Four-Page Narrative/Budget section consisting of three pages of text (open format) and one page of budget information (template provided) 3.Roster of Investigators – Template provided 4.Communication from DOE Program Office regarding interest in cost sharing with DOE EPSCoR How to prepare a pre-proposal

8 8 WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant 1.Cover Page - Template provided How to prepare a pre-proposal Template included in the “Observation on DOE EPSCoR Merit Review Criteria” at

9 9 WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant 2. Four-Page Narrative/Budget section -three pages of text (open format) -one page of budget information (template provided) How to prepare a pre-proposal Budget Template file available at

10 10 WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant 3. Roster of Investigators – Template provided How to prepare a pre-proposal Template for team roster list available at

11 11 WV EPSCoR Process for Selecting Research Team to Apply for DOE EPSCoR Implementation Grant 4. Communication from DOE Program Office regarding interest in cost sharing with DOE EPSCoR How to prepare a pre-proposal -Develop a working relationship with a DOE Program Office that would co-fund 10% of the research supported by the DOE EPSCoR program (a requirement of DOE EPSCoR). -We need to hook up with a DOE program office that would be interested in our work. Go over your research concept with your DOE counterparts to avoid surprises at the end stage of proposal preparation when endorsements would be needed. You are talking real money here that the DOE program officer will have to take from his or her budget and give it to DOE EPSCoR. -Note that national laboratories do not count here – DOE is looking for a DOE program office in this criterion. The national laboratories are run by contractors and do not speak for DOE. An exception is NETL where it is both a national lab and is operated by federal (DOE) personnel, as distinct from the other national labs. Researchers should work to establish their DOE relationships in time for consideration by WV EPSCoR in the down selection process.


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