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Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment Roland Finger & Susan Iredale-Kline SLOA Coordinators.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment Roland Finger & Susan Iredale-Kline SLOA Coordinators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment Roland Finger & Susan Iredale-Kline SLOA Coordinators

2 Why learn eLumen? ACCJC Standard I.B.6: "The institution disaggregates and analyzes learning outcomes and achievement for subpopulations of students." SLOA Committee was tasked with finding the best option to help the college address this standard, eLumen was the clear winner.

3 Why eLumen? Based on the SLOA Committee recommendation, Academic Senate passed on August 28, 2016, a proposal for faculty to use eLumen beginning Spring 2016. It will streamline program review Tie budget requests to outcomes Allow the college to identify subpopulations and report proficiency based on faculty assessments

4 eLumen Assigned Roles Data Stewards Department Coordinators Course Coordinators Faculty Division Coordinators

5 Roles in eLumen Data Stewards – set system reports and settings, change user roles to add or delete permissions – SLOA Coordinators, Institutional Research Division Coordinators – can map SLOs, distribute assessment and action plans across entire division – Division Chairs and certain non-academic Directors

6 Roles in eLumen Department Coordinators – can map SLOs and distribute assessments and action plans within the department assigned – Lead faculty in divisions with multiple departments Course Coordinators – can distribute assessments to all faculty teaching a given course – Lead faculty in certain divisions with large enrollment in a single course (e.g. MATH 123)

7 Faculty Role in eLumen Can create assessments – Can share assessments with other faculty Set mastery levels of proficiency for each student in courses with assessment due – Includes a reflection template (formerly Q#4 on the CPAS) Can create Action Plans (formerly the CPAS) summarizing what they learned from their assessment results

8 Faculty View when Assessment is Due

9 Course Coordinator View

10 Program Coordinator View

11 Reports - Faculty

12 Reports – Course Coordinator

13 Reports – Program Coordinator

14 Map SLOs to PLOs & ILOs We want to get the “Unmapped SLOs” and “SLOs without Assessments” to: “All Completed”

15 Course Groups for Degree/Certificates

16 Getting to the Mapping

17 Program Information

18 Map SLOs to PLOs

19 Mapping SLOs to ILOs Hover over the arrow on the right, to see the remaining ILOs.

20 Changing SLOs in eLumen Only change SLOs in eLumen, to reflect changes already made in Curricunet! Use “Edit” to fix spelling errors only. Use “New Version” if making substantial edits to the SLO.

21 Creating Assessments There are many different ways you can get to the screen to add an assessment As either Coordinator: Under “Outcomes & Assessment” tab, click on any number of SLOs for the courses, and the option “Create Assessment” will appear As faculty: Under “Courses” chose “Add Assessment” under any of your courses

22 Add your Assessment to eLumen

23 Linking SLOs to the Assessment Choosing “Save” keeps it only in your view. Choosing “Save and add to Library” allows other faculty teaching the same course to see and use the assessment you created.

24 Click “Link Outcome”

25 Add Reflection Template to Assessment

26 3 Rubric Types Activity Oriented – Single Outcome Activity Oriented – Multi-Rubric Outcomes Oriented

27 Activity Oriented, Single Outcome Example: An exam or paper that is assessing one outcome but has multiple aspects for assessment

28 Activity Oriented, Single Outcome

29 Activity Oriented, Multi-Rubric The most confusing of the three; if you have a rubric that will assess more than one SLO and have multiple factors for each SLO

30 Multi-Rubric Example

31 Outcomes Oriented Easiest to use, has two views for scoring, the scorecard view and the rubric view Can assess multiple SLOs, but will not allow for multiple criteria

32 Outcomes Oriented

33 Rubric View of Assessment Student Name

34 Scorecard View of Assessment

35 Distributing Assessments Future training topic Course & Department Coordinators will be able to distribute assessment to faculty, who will get notifications that an assessment is due Course & Dept. Coordinators will be able to see how many people are working, finished or have not started an assessment – But never the individual scores for students entered by faculty!

36 Distributing “Action Plans” Once assessment has been finished, typically we do a CPAS – the CPAS is called Action Plan in eLumen and has been separated – Course Assessment Summary – Program Assessment Summary Department & Division Coordinators will be able to distribute assessment plans to faculty and be able to track completion

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