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Next-Generation Grid Communication for Residential PEVs (EPC )

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1 Next-Generation Grid Communication for Residential PEVs (EPC-14-078)
12/14/2015 Rich Quattrini - ChargePoint

2 High Level Goals Provide utilities fine-grained individual and aggregated visibility to residential PEV charging loads Establish communication protocols and information flows to allow utilities to use PEV charging as a tool to proactively manage local distribution circuit load Leverage vehicle to charger emerging communication standards to vary and optimize the rate of individual vehicle charging while ensuring the total PEV charge needed is not compromised

3 Overall Project Concept
Optimization Algorithms (LBNL) ChargePoint NOS Utility << 15 min load data >> Available loads, constraints >> Load management requests >> << Charge sequencing OpenADR 2.0 Load, vehicle info >>> << Driver preferences, depart requirements << Load limits, schedule Notification of charge management >> << Vehicle Info ISO/IEC 15118 Networked Home Charger Vehicle Driver

4 Key Project Activities
ISO/IEC integration Test and qualify a prototype interface enabling ISO/IEC communication with EVSE Integrate ISO/IEC prototype interface stack into ChargePoint Home charger Add proof of concept stack to BMW i3 Test and validate communication with BMW i3 and ChargePoint Home charger OpenADR integration Implement a communications interface via OpenADR 2.0b Provide utilities visibility of the fine-grained individual and aggregated near real time charging data Enable utilities to provide signals or TOU pricing to help manage within specified load limits Builds on existing OpenADR 2.0a capability – adds critical features for 2.0b Enhance existing ChargePoint driver application and NOS Will accommodate additional elements for customer defined preferences, opt-out, and information exchange as it relates to project Requires changes or enhancements to existing driver notification and interactivity features

5 Key Project Activities (cont.)
Identify, with input from SDG&E, preferred target systems/feeders for pilot-scale residential application Educate, recruit drivers and install 30 ChargePoint chargers with pilot customers at San Diego Gas & Electric Implement pilot in SDG&E area Pilot Project Report – evaluation of benefits Knowledge transfer / Production readiness

6 Project Schedule

7 Participant Roles ChargePoint BMW LBNL Overall project management
15118 stack evaluation - integration and testing on home platform Work with BMW to test and validate interface OpenADR 2.0b open source eval, modifications and integration Enhancements and mods to existing driver app and NOS Coordination, recruiting and enablement for pilot BMW Integrate and test new stacks into BMW i3 test vehicle Work with ChargePoint to test and validate communication LBNL Network simulation to validate full control potential Develop control algorithms capable of limiting load under a virtual aggregation point Study the limitations of managed charging on groups of vehicles where SOC or amount of charge needed is not available through the vehicle interface. Help manage pilot and reporting

8 Topics for Further VGI Research
More studies on the future value of grid services and payback What is the impact and economics for all the players involved? Driver Site owner / host at metering point Aggregator Control systems / optimization software provider Scheduling coordinator LSE / utilities Vehicle OEM’s Some studies make aggressive assumptions Basing grid value of EV services on FR market value in PJM not realistic As more resources bid in, prices will come down What will the value be in California for AS and FR services in the future? What other markets might make the “juice worth the squeeze?” Are values sustainable and predicable enough to recover costs? Better estimates on the future value of local services Local area market pricing Avoided costs of distribution upgrades, etc.

9 ChargePoint Program Contacts
Name Function Phone Rich Quattrini Project Director (408) Rory Moore Project Manager (408) Dedrick Roper Grant administration and reporting (408) Craig Rodine Standards and technical (408)

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