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Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest Improving the Employment Prospects of Offenders.

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Presentation on theme: "Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest Improving the Employment Prospects of Offenders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest Improving the Employment Prospects of Offenders

2 Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest Offender Employment Offenders into jobs Reduced reoffending Less crime Fewer victims Safer communities

3 Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest Employment - Offender Transition Merseyside model PRE Deeply embedded offender culture, may be further restricted by substance dependence. Many difficulties and obstacles, no motivation to change.EARLY Some desire to change but offender culture still dominant. Mistrust of agencies / opportunities. Need flexible attendance patterns and opportunities to “dip their toes in the water” of a wide variety of opportunities.ACTIVE Looking to do something but fragile confidence could be destroyed by poor intervention. Family and peer influences still important but less influential. Motivated to change but still lack clear direction. Benefit from supported placements with flexibility and direction.POST Have decided that they definitely want to change and leave offending behind. Active engagement with agencies / colleges / employers. Offending behaviour No further offences

4 Campus model Case Managers as single point of referral in each Local Delivery Unit and HM Prisons Range of subcontractors all signed up to project aims and information sharing agreements Designed to fill the gaps in mainstream and OLASS provision Targets the hardest to reach Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

5 Achieve Case Manager role Engage and work with eligible offenders, providing a case management approach to the delivery of ETE interventions Generate appropriate targeted referrals Maintain contact with the offender throughout their journey to sustained employment through motivation and by providing support and guidance Undertake regular reviews and record key information in the required format including the use of CATS IT system Deliver employability related training to individuals and groups Liaise with and refer to appropriate agencies and learning programmes Collect evidence of attendance, achievement and progression as required by ESF To contribute to ESF targets by the successful achievement of individual targets Additional support from specialist women only through Adelaide House and BME Case Managers Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

6 Unpaid to Paid Work Maximising the use of 20% entitlement, all unemployed offenders are referred into ETE Induction 4 weeks into their order Jobclubplus Offender manager referral, individual interview assessing need and linking to appropriate next steps HM Prisons Self referral to groupwork and individual guidance with through the gate support Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest Referral routes

7 Jobclub Offender manager referral Individual Information, Advice and Guidance from Connexions Literacy / numeracy initial assessments Up to date, relevant local vacancies ICT access and stationery provision CV preparation Disclosure advice Interview skills and techniques Help with application forms Introduction to wider campus agencies Access to whole range of campus provision Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

8 Motivation GOALS Mobex Active Mentoring Self – esteem / confidence building Counselling Volunteering Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

9 Supported Employment and sustainable development CREATE ILM Recycling Lives Market Garden Elixir Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

10 Job Brokerage Match job ready offenders to appropriate vacancies Secure employment for offenders by targeting employers Connexions / CXL Atom Regeneration Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

11 Targets Total number of participants5,273 Number of participants into jobs580 Number of participants into further learning1,054 Number of supportive outcomes delivered37,818 Merseyside, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Cumbria Merseyside Probation Trust Achieve Northwest

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