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Title page J Van de Walle 1, I. Stefanescu 1, P Mayet 1, O Ivanov 1, F Aksouh 1, D Smirnov 1, JC Thomas 1, R Raabe 1, M Huyse 1, P Van Duppen 1 1 IKS KULeuven.

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Presentation on theme: "Title page J Van de Walle 1, I. Stefanescu 1, P Mayet 1, O Ivanov 1, F Aksouh 1, D Smirnov 1, JC Thomas 1, R Raabe 1, M Huyse 1, P Van Duppen 1 1 IKS KULeuven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title page J Van de Walle 1, I. Stefanescu 1, P Mayet 1, O Ivanov 1, F Aksouh 1, D Smirnov 1, JC Thomas 1, R Raabe 1, M Huyse 1, P Van Duppen 1 1 IKS KULeuven Belgium O Niedermaier 2, M Lauer 2, V Bildstein 2, H Scheit 2, D Schwalm 2, N Warr 3, D Weisshaar 3, J Eberth 3, M Pantea 4, G Schrieder 4, O Kester 5, F Ames 5, T Sieber 5, S Emhofer 5, B Wolf 5, R Lutter 5, D Habs 5, P Butler 6, J Cederkall 6, P Delahaye 6, S Franchoo 6, Y Kojima 6, U Koster 6, T Nilsson 6, F Wenander 6, J Iwanicki 7, A Hurst 7, F Azaiez 8, F Ibrahim 8, O Perru 8, M Stanoiu 8, O Sorlin 8, D Verney 9, Th Behrens 10, Th Kroll 10, R Krucken 10, G Sletten 11, the MINIBALL collaboration and the REX-ISOLDE collaboration 2 Max Planck Institut fur Kernphysik Heidelberg Germany 3 Institut fur Kernphysik Universitat Koln Germany 4 TU Darmstadt Germany 5 LMU Munchen Germany 6 CERN Switserland 7 University of Liverpool Great Britain 8 IPN Orsay France 9 GANIL Caen France 10 TU Munchen Germany 11 Neils Bohr Institute Roskilde Denmark Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn Isotopes

2 Phys Mot (Chart) N=40, 50 Z=28 78 Ni Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results 74,76,78 Zn (Z=30) Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle

3 g 9/2 Phys Mot (Ni) Physics Motivation : Ni Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Langanke et al, PRC 67, 2003 Sorlin et al, PRL 88, 2002 Broda et al, PRL 74, 1995 Z=28N=28...40 28 40 p 3/2 f 5/2 p 1/2 g 9/2 28 40 p 3/2 f 5/2 p 1/2 50 f 7/2 20 protons neutrons f 7/2 2840 Ni isotopes 68 Ni

4 Phys Mot (Zn) Physics Motivation : Zn Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Leenhardt et al, EPJA 14, 2002 Z=28N=28...40 28 40 p 3/2 f 5/2 p 1/2 g 9/2 28 40 p 3/2 f 5/2 p 1/2 50 f 7/2 20 protons neutrons f 7/2 2840 Ni isotopes Zn isotopes “Onset of Deformation” 1-Additional protons outside N=28 2-Neutron pairing interactions maximal at N=40 g 9/2 Ganil, intermediate energy coulex 72 Zn

5 RIKEN Intermediate energy coulex Phys Mot (Ge) Physics Motivation : Ge Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Z=28N=28...40 28 40 p 3/2 f 5/2 p 1/2 g 9/2 28 40 p 3/2 f 5/2 p 1/2 50 f 7/2 20 protons neutrons f 7/2 2840 Ni isotopes Zn isotopes Ge isotopes Iwasaki et al, private communication g 9/2 50 Oak Ridge Low energy coulex 82 Ge ? Padilla-Rodal et al, PRL 94 122501 (2005)

6 Exp Setup 1 Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results since 2001 : 30 Mg ( PRL 94, 172501 (2005) ) 32 Mg 74,76,78 Zn 110 Sn (poster A. Ekström) 122,124 Cd 70 Se 84,86,88 Kr REX-Isolde + "Miniball" * selective : laser * efficient * fast

7 Exp Setup 1bis Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde 1/5 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results 1. Target : UC x ( 74 Zn, 76 Zn) + neutron converter ( 78 Zn)

8 Exp Setup 2 1. Target : UC x ( 74 Zn, 76 Zn) + neutron converter ( 78 Zn) Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde 2/5 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results 2. Laser Ionization of Zn (RILIS) + Mass separation (GPS)

9 E x p S et u p 3 1. Target : UC x ( 74 Zn, 76 Zn) + neutron converter ( 78 Zn) 2. Laser Ionization of Zn (RILIS) + Mass separation (GPS) 3. Bunching (REXTrap) + Charge Breeding (EBIS) Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde 3/5 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results

10 Exp Setup 4 1. Target : UC x ( 74 Zn, 76 Zn) + neutron converter ( 78 Zn) 2. Laser Ionization of Zn (RILIS) + Mass separation (GPS) 3. Bunching (REXTrap) + Charge Breeding (EBIS) 4. Post Acceleration :~2.87 MeV/u Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde 4/5 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results

11 Exp Setup 5Exp Setup 5 1. Target : UC x ( 74 Zn, 76 Zn) + neutron converter ( 78 Zn) 2. Laser Ionization of Zn (RILIS) + Mass separation (GPS) 3. Bunching (REXTrap) + Charge Breeding (EBIS) 4. Post Acceleration : ~2.87 MeV/u 5. Coulomb Excitation : Miniball + DSSD    Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde 5/5 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle

12 Exp Setup 5 bisExp Setup 5 bis 1. Target : UC x ( 74 Zn, 76 Zn) + neutron converter ( 78 Zn) 2. Laser Ionization of Zn (RILIS) + Mass separation (GPS) 3. Bunching (REXTrap) + Charge Breeding (EBIS) 4. Post Acceleration : ~2.87 MeV/u 5. Coulomb Excitation : Miniball + DSSD    Experimental Setup : REX-Isolde 5/5 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle ! selective !

13 Exp Setup Contam E EE without n-converter 78 Ga 78 Zn EE with n-converter 78 Ga 78 Zn 78 Rb I beam,Zn /I total  50% 78 Zn 78 Zn + 78 Ga + 78 Rb Experimental Setup : Beam Contamination 1 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle

14 Exp Setup Contam 78 Zn = laser ionization 78 Ga = surface ionization Experimental Setup : Beam Contamination 2 Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle laser ON laser OFF 1. particle spectrum 3.  -decay intensities (laser ON) 2. particle count rate (laser ON/OFF)

15 Exp Res 74 (1) 0+0+ 2+2+ 4+4+ 2+2+ 606.01(5) 1418.6(1) 74 Zn Experimental Results : 74 Zn Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle 74 Zn beam on 120 Sn target (2.3 mg/cm 2 - 2.87 MeV/u) 12.5h ~4E6 parts/sec on target

16 Exp Res particles 76 Zn + 76 Ga 120 Sn Strip Number Experimental Results : particle spectrum Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle target beam

17 74 Zn beam on 120 Sn target (2.3 mg/cm 2 - 2.87 MeV/u) 12.5h ~4E6 parts/sec on target Exp Res 74 (2) Experimental Results : 74 Zn coulex Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle : 2 +  0 + doppler corrected

18 Exp Res 76 (1) Experimental Results : 76 Zn coulex Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle 76 Zn beam on 120 Sn target (2.3 mg/cm 2 - 2.83 MeV/u) 14.5h ~1.3E6 parts/sec on target

19 Exp Res 76 (2) Experimental Results : 76 Zn coulex Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle 76 Zn beam on 120 Sn target (2.3 mg/cm 2 - 2.83 MeV/u) 14.5h ~1.3E6 parts/sec on target 76 Zn: 2 +  0 + doppler corrected 76 Ga

20 Exp Res 78 (1) Experimental Results : 78 Zn coulex Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle 78 Zn beam on 108 Pd target (2.0 mg/cm 2 - 2.86 MeV/u) 23.5h ~3.2E4 parts/sec on target 78 Zn 0+0+ 2 + (4 + ) (6 + ) (8 + ) 730 891 2 + state in 78 Zn: fixed

21 Exp Res 78 (2) Experimental Results : 78 Zn coulex Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle 78 Zn beam on 108 Pd target (2.0 mg/cm 2 - 2.86 MeV/u) 23.5h ~3.2E4 parts/sec on target doppler corrected

22 Exp Res theory Experimental Results : coulex theory Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle,Zn,Zn+Ga Calculate Spectrum Calculate with  B(E2) Laser On/Off I in,Zn I in,Zn+Ga x First order perturbation theory : Alder & Winther : "Electromagnetic Excitation - Theory of Coulomb Excitation with Heavy Ions" North-Holland, 1975, Amsterdam

23 Exp Res BE2 Experimental Results + Shell Model theory Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle  : theoretical B(E2)-values f,p,g - valence space beyond 56 Ni core : ANTOINE shell model code (N. Smirnova - University Gent)

24 Concl Coulex of 74,76,78 Zn : ° fixed 2 + in 78 Zn ° preliminary B(E2) values ° systematic errors "understood" Conclusion + Outlook Physics Motivation Experimental Setup Experimental Results Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Rich Zn IsotopesJarno Van de Walle July 2005 : ° 5-8th july : coulex of 68,70 Ni (!) ° 13-18th july : coulex of 70 Cu isomeres (!) late 2005 ° re-measuring 78 Zn + 80 Zn

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