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FISCAL & MONETARY POLICIES Controls the amount of money circulating in the economy.

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Presentation on theme: "FISCAL & MONETARY POLICIES Controls the amount of money circulating in the economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 FISCAL & MONETARY POLICIES Controls the amount of money circulating in the economy.

2 FISCAL POLICY zRefers to the federal government’s taxing and spending decisions. zGovernment may lower taxes to stimulate spending

3 MONETARY POLICY zRefers to the Federal Reserve Board actions on the supply of money and credit.

4 MONETARY POLICIES zReserve requirements - amount of money banks must hold in reserve. zDiscount Rate - the rate banks pay to borrow from the Fed. zOpen Market Operations - buying and selling government securities in the market.

5 Recession zOccurs when there is not enough money circulating in the system. zToo many goods

6 INFLATION z Occurs when too much money is available too fast. z Too many dollars chasing too few goods

7 Regulate Inflation zRaise taxes zReduce spending z Slows the economy z Reduces demand

8 Regulate Recession zLower taxes zIncrease spending z Increases growth z Stimulates expansion

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