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In 1963, the longest floating pontoon bridge in the world opened. The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, connecting Seattle and Bellevue carries state road.

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Presentation on theme: "In 1963, the longest floating pontoon bridge in the world opened. The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, connecting Seattle and Bellevue carries state road."— Presentation transcript:

1 In 1963, the longest floating pontoon bridge in the world opened. The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, connecting Seattle and Bellevue carries state road 520 with a floating length of 7,578 ft - almost 1000-ft more than the second-longest bridge (Lacey V. Murrow Bridge). Like the Hood Canal Bridge, the 520 bridge has a retractable draw span in the middle, which is opened to protect the bridge when the wind speed reaches 40mph. Experts believe the bridge will reach the end of its useful life by 2025, by which time at least the pontoons will have to be replaced. However, it already has been plagued by crippling mechanical problems over the past ten years. On 3 Mar 1999, it was stuck open when one of the draw span rollers broke. Today in Science History August 28 th, 2015


3 Objectives Share Student Interest Survey Discuss what is science and what is chemistry Look at homepage and locate class syllabus Assignment Read through class syllabus and have parent(s)/guardians sign the sheet

4 Student Interest Survey Form groups with your column and share your survey answers. Staple and turn in survey when finished.

5 What is science & what is Chemistry? Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances.

6 Syllabus Go to the Treynor website and find my home page under high school and teacher pages Mr. Sandquist’s Homepage

7 Conclusion Remember to read over syllabus and to have parents sign syllabus too. Bring materials Monday Monday-handout books and discuss nature of science quiz.

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