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1 94 學年度碩士班新生座談. 2 李之中 Chi-Chung Lee Assistant professor Department of Information Management, Chung Hwa University Office : M302-1 Phone : 03- coming.

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1 1 94 學年度碩士班新生座談

2 2 李之中 Chi-Chung Lee Assistant professor Department of Information Management, Chung Hwa University Office : M302-1 Phone : 03- coming soon! Email : Home page : MSN :

3 3 Experiences Assistant professor (August 2004 - July 2005) Department of Information Management, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology. Lecturer (August 1998 - July 2004) Department of Information Management, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology.

4 4 Academic background Ph. D. (July 2004) Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. M. B. A. (July 1993) Graduate School of Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. B. S. (July 1991) Department of Industrial Engineering, Chung- Yuan Christian University.

5 5 Research Interest and direction Database Systems Data Management for mobile computing  Data broadcasting  Cache invalidation Data modeling  The mapping between ER model and multidimensional model.

6 6 Research project Title Improved data broadcast schemes for mobile computing environments with data missing approving by NSC.

7 7 Courses Autumn 2005 Data structure sophomore Commercials database junior Oracle OCA  (1z0-007) Introductions to Oracle 9i :SQL  (1z0-031) Oracle 9i database administration Fundamental I Data modeling and relational database design Graduate school

8 8 You will be trained The ability for problem solving. Make studies, Write the thesis The competence for your job. TA of commercials database Oracle OCA

9 9 Fields you will study (1) Database systems Data Management for mobile computing Data broadcasting Cache invalidation Performance evaluation Probability model  Queuing Theory, Markove chain, …. System simulation  Discrete event simulation, Simscript II.5, ….

10 10 Fields you will study (2) Database systems Data modeling ER model Multidimensional model The mapping between ER model and multidimensional model. Design and implementation ER2M language.  Programming, compiler, lex and yacc, JAVA, …. Proof of the correctness  group theory.

11 11 基本規定與要求 每週 meeting 一次 研讀與研究領域相關的論文 寒暑假全力做論文 ( 包含現在這個暑假 ) 論文發表於研討會或期刊

12 12 與老師配合的方式 配合老師的研究計畫進度 配合老師目前想完成的研究 好處 有督促力量 論文可能較快完成 不會浪費時間 缺點 問題不是自已發現的 來自老師的壓力較大

13 13 除了研究之外 我所指導的研究生還要 … 擔任教授課程的助教 資料結構  資訊科學領域的基本功 商用資料庫  工作的基本專業技能 專心於研究 請勿打工

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