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Do Now - p. 56 Read the background on this cartoon Then answer the questions Then paste onto p. 56.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now - p. 56 Read the background on this cartoon Then answer the questions Then paste onto p. 56."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now - p. 56 Read the background on this cartoon Then answer the questions Then paste onto p. 56

2 Today’s Objectives What is a “third party?” What are the different types of third parties? How do third parties affect elections?

3 Third Parties in the U.S. Not everyone is satisfied with the two major political parties in the U.S. People frustrated with the status quo have formed alternative “third parties” There are four main types of third parties… – Single-issue party Formed to oppose or promote one issue – Economic protest party Formed to promote economic growth or “better times” – Ideological party Formed by people committed to a set of beliefs – Splinter party Formed by people unhappy with a major party Notes p. 57

4 Third Party Sort Travel around the room to each of the third party descriptions For each party decide which of the four types they are and why – Single-issue party – Economic protest party – Ideological party – Splinter party

5 Brainstorm Why might a third party be able to draw more attention to a particular issue than one of the two major political parties? What is one disadvantage third parties have against the two major political parties? Answer on p. 56

6 Third Parties in the U.S. Third parties call attention to issues that are eventually adopted by the major parties In general, third parties aren’t as strong as the Democrats and Republicans – They find it hard to raise money and get media attention Notes p. 57

7 Reflection – p. 56 Come up with your own idea for a third party – Which type of third party would you want? – What issues would you focus on? – What would be the name of your party? – What would be your party symbol? Extra points if you draw your party symbol Don’t copy, just answer

8 National Women’s Party (1913-1920) Purpose - Promoted voting rights for women

9 Right to Life Party (1970-present) Purpose - Opposes legalized abortion

10 Greenback Party (1874-1884) Purpose – Promoted use of paper money, silver coins, and the eight-hour work day

11 Populist Party (1892-1908) Purpose – Protested economic conditions and government policies that hurt farmers

12 Socialist Party of America (1901-1973) Purpose – Promoted government ownership of basic industries

13 Libertarian Party (1971-present) Purpose – Favors reducing the role of government in the lives of citizens

14 Progressive “Bull Moose” Party (1912-1952) Purpose – Separated from the Republican Party to promote progressive reforms like national health care, relief for farmers, and women’s right to vote

15 States’ Rights “Dixiecrat” Party (1948) Purpose – Separated from the Democratic Party to oppose desegregation

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