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WEB TOOL Development “iFamily Budget Management" – iFiscus.

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Presentation on theme: "WEB TOOL Development “iFamily Budget Management" – iFiscus."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEB TOOL Development “iFamily Budget Management" – iFiscus

2 Web Tool Development Overview of all Need analyses of the respective partner countries without exception identify : The need of family budget tool, as in all countries the vast majority of the respondents admit they do not have the support of an effective tool to plan their family budget. The results indicate strong necessity of training or at least instructions on how to use the family budget web-tool which is to be developed within the project duration.

3 Web Tool Development Suggestions for the main functionalities of the Web Tool Points taken into consideration:  The tool should be user friendly and easy to navigate  The tool should take into account the target group (adults) and their possible difficulties in working with that type of applications and materials. The suggested functionalities have been discussed with an IT provider. They are not final – partners’ comments/recommendations/ideas are very welcome.

4 Web Tool Development The following functionalities to be considered as most important by most respondents:  to show balance of the month or year  to provide overview of all your savings and costs  to be safe and secured  with easy-to-use dashboard and interface  to remind you of upcoming due dates  possibility to add manually more cost categories, and sources of income at any time  assurance of household document management space – invoice, picture  offer a version on mobile devices  to calculate average spending in every category

5 Web Tool Development To be discussed:  The tool General Characteristics - Accessibility: Easy to use (simple menu); downloadable on PC/mobile; creating online profile/user account; possibility to work with tool in an offline mode; option to set password to protect others to get into the tool; automatic time out option, etc.  Tool Functionalities  Tool Design: common corporate design; different colours on: Income = Green, Expenditures: Orange, Balance= Blue, Alerts = red; visual graphics (showing income/expenditures and also by categories)

6 Tool Functionalities preview (ability to show) of weekly / monthly/ yearly expenditure possibility to set income sum different currency option ability to set deadline for payments with reminders/alerts preview (ability to show) proportion of : income – expenditure – balance pre-set categories for income and expenditure (with possibility to edit categories) tool generating “alerts” or “pop up” windows ( e.g in case of bad budgeting ) ability to set saving target: notes possibility to cooperate with other apps (e.g. DropBox) Back-up data (incl. export in CVS, xls)

7 Thank you for your attention!

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