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Setting up standard ‘Bill to’ companies Setting up standard ‘Bill to’ companies.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting up standard ‘Bill to’ companies Setting up standard ‘Bill to’ companies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting up standard ‘Bill to’ companies Setting up standard ‘Bill to’ companies

2 For years SIGNZ has had this standard ‘Bill-To’ which would cause the invoicing system to change the invoices for the company above to be addressed to the company pointed to by this entry. The issue was that this did not show anywhere in Contracts and did not pass through to Sales Analysis until invoiced.

3 Clicking the “...” button over here will pop up a screen that lets you decide where media, installation and production invoices will be sent for contracts entered against this client. These entries work the same as the current settings in Contracts and will set the correct entries on the Contracts.

4 If you edit a company that has previously had a bill-to you will be advised to change. The old one will continue to bill correctly until you DO change it but better to get it over and done with!

5 Here we’ll use the “...” search buttons to tell SIGNZ that new contracts for this company will have Install and Production sent elsewhere. Media will still go to the original contract client.

6 The screen is too crowded to show all details of where invoices will go but this gives you an indication that something is up...

7 Creating a new contract and picking a company will cause the ‘Invoice To’ fields to select the entries set via the Company.

8 The same will happen when converting a proposal to a contract...

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