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A view from East Gippsland Chronic Illness Alliance Meeting 14 th February 2008.

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1 A view from East Gippsland Chronic Illness Alliance Meeting 14 th February 2008


3 PCP Policy & Funding context CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT – prevention and management now a strategic goal (2006 – 2009) ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES:  Self management mapping  self management training/ workforce development  diabetes clinical pathway  Diabetes care packages

4 East Gippsland our approach - influences BETTER HEALTH CARE in GIPPSLAND  Chronic Care Model Framework  Diabetes clinical risk pathway  Local networks  Regional training – Self Management POST BHCiG  Shared commitment to Wagner model  Partnership with Divisions of General Practice  CDM resource Kit & train the trainer  Regional ICDM Plan (local delivery)  Agency capacity building - first

5 East Gippsland – CDM approach Healthy for Life / Aboriginal Health Promotion and Chronic Care Project Healthy for Life / Aboriginal Health Promotion and Chronic Care Project  Menzies School of Health Research ABCD  Chronic care model  self management – family & community approach

6 East Gippsland – CDM approach CDM Consultancy CDM Consultancy  Agency capacity building  Multi-disciplinary approach  Self management – systems, people, structure  Rural perspective

7 Learnings & thinking so far Self management not in isolation (social context) Build agency capacity first Local multi-disciplinary/ agency network essential Local solutions vital GPs essential! Management commitment (time, money, advocacy)! Workforce - Highly skilled to basic training in self management Build self management capacity/ readiness into assessment processes Time – don’t lose patience

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