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Gosforth Valley Medical Practice Patient Participation Group December 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Gosforth Valley Medical Practice Patient Participation Group December 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gosforth Valley Medical Practice Patient Participation Group December 2011

2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions (REB) Function of a PPG (SAT) Feedback from open evening (REB) Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (SAT) Questions (all)

3 Objective Ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided or commissioned. Include patients in decisions that lead to changes to the services their practice provides or commissions.

4 Objective Seek views from practice patients through the use of a local practice survey. Discuss the results of the survey and agree any actions.

5 Practice services v commissioning Practice services = primary care Those services directly funded by the practice –GP & nurse appointments –Reception & practice administration –Out of hours cover

6 Practice services v commissioning Commissioning = secondary care Those services bought by the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on behalf of the practices. –Hospitals (referrals) –Local secondary care (physios; community nurses)

7 Commissioning Commissioning decisions affect the wider population, so are best discussed with a wider group. Dronfield wide open evenings are designed to address these issues.

8 Commissioning Normally held at the Civic Hall in March & September. Open invite to all residents of Dronfield (4 GP practices)

9 Practice services The quality & extent of practice services vary by individual practice and are best discussed at practice level. Although it is useful to compare practices. The PPG is designed to address the practice services.

10 How does the PPG work? Should be representative of the practice population –Age / ethnicity / carers / any others? –Identify under-represented areas

11 How does the PPG work? The group acts as a sounding board for ideas (from patients and practice staff) Annual questionnaire to a wider group of patients.

12 Format of meeting Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire Service developments (practice initiated). Items to be raised by PPG members (agenda items in advance if possible).

13 Format of meeting Issues arising from the Dronfield open evening. 1 – 1.5 hours maximum Chaired by practice

14 Management of practice questionnaire 3 meetings per year –October: Final review of actions from previous year & agree content of new questionnaire

15 Management of practice questionnaire –February: Review results of questionnaire and agree actions (report to be published by 31st March) –June: Review progress against actions

16 The PPG is not for Discussing individual medical issues Health education (other than where it provides valuable information to help make a decision about a service).

17 Virtual PPG We will meet only 3 times per year. It would be useful to have a process to share ideas and seek opinions on a more regular basis. Discuss email, website – complete form

18 Feedback from open evening Dr Richard Bull

19 Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire 2011-12 Present common questions Agree practice specific questions Agree date to review responses (Feb)

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