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SEC Normalising Birth Project Successful bid Regional Innovations Fund Project to support normal birth Supported by the SHA Supported by NHS Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "SEC Normalising Birth Project Successful bid Regional Innovations Fund Project to support normal birth Supported by the SHA Supported by NHS Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEC Normalising Birth Project Successful bid Regional Innovations Fund Project to support normal birth Supported by the SHA Supported by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

2 Aims of project Develop regional database using extended Robson groups Groups 1 and 5 to be addressed Reduce CS rate/increase normal births

3 Group 1 nulliparous women Normalising the birth environment – challenges 2 low risk rooms at Maidstone New hospital 7 low risk rooms when fully merged Art work

4 Group 5 Previous CS Using data identified high repeat CS rate in this group Also identified CS for breech presentation also appeared high

5 Previous CS Needed to determine why women not choosing VBAC (inconsistent advice no debrief) How to address standardising advice and information

6 VBAC Clinic Agreement at Clinical governance Letter to CMW – referral criteria/leaflet Weekly clinic each site with 4 appts 45 min Appt (30 min debrief 15 min plan)

7 Running since August Well attended Volume – some still see Obs team first Debrief – very powerful,emotional Patient Satisfaction survey Future plan - P/N letter

8 ECV Women not having ECV – why? Confidence/knowledge of professionals What could we do to equip staff to give evidence based advice Visual information for women

9 ECV information DVD Including Explanation of risks and benefits Who is suitable Filming of successful ECV Comments from Obs,MW and parents.

10 First find your breech! Then get her to agree to be filmed! First one filmed was a success Voice over's/interviews- parents very positive Result is realistic and evidenced based advice Trust website/issue to CMW/for sale today! You can view it during the tea break

11 Normalising Birth Team MTW NHS Trust: Leila Frodsham Consultant Obstetrician Lynne Thomas and Lisa Massey Midwife Facilitators

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