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1 32 Benchmarking Sites Dawn AC User Group Meeting 2003 Patient Education Survey January 2003 32 Benchmarking Sites.

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Presentation on theme: "1 32 Benchmarking Sites Dawn AC User Group Meeting 2003 Patient Education Survey January 2003 32 Benchmarking Sites."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 32 Benchmarking Sites Dawn AC User Group Meeting 2003 Patient Education Survey January 2003 32 Benchmarking Sites

2 2 Comments - Professor Palareti Adequate information/education should be given to all pts when they start OAT This is a crucial factor for the quality of oral anticoagulation management A specific educational program is one of the most important tasks of anticoagulation clinics All highly unstable pts should receive an additional educational course

3 3 Education of patients Patients per Staff Member Instructing Staff Type Hours and Nature of Education Carer Involvement Validation of Education

4 4 Patients per Staff person versus Overall % Time in range

5 5 Time using Dawn AC versus Overall % Time in range 1.Less than Six Months 2.Six Months to Two Years 3.Two Years plus

6 6 Format of Education versus Overall % Time in Range 2.Verbal and Written 3.Verbal, Written and Video n=30 p=0.04

7 7 Living with Warfarin A video programme for patients starting on anticoagulation treatment. Dr Muriel Shannon Dr Megan Rowley Philip Harvey St George’s Medical Televsion

8 8 Hours of Education versus Overall % Time in range

9 9 Instructing Staff Type versus Overall % Time in range 1.Dedicated Nurse 2.General Nurses 3.Biomedical Scientists 4.Senior/Lead Physicians 5.Junior Physicians 6.Pharmacists 7.Others 8.Not Answered

10 10 Carer Involvement versus Overall % Time in range 2. Sometimes 3. Always 4. Not Answered

11 11 Validation of Education versus Overall % Time in range 1.No 2.Sometimes 3.Yes

12 12 Patient Acknowledgement versus Overall % Time in range 1.No 2.Sometimes 3.Yes

13 13 Patient Satisfaction Survey versus Overall % Time in range 1.No 2.Sometimes 3.Yes

14 14 Repeat Education versus Overall % Time in range 1.No 2.Sometimes 3.Yes

15 15 Systematic Patient Review versus Overall % Time in range 1.No 2.Yes 0. No Response

16 16 Additional Education for Poor Performers versus Overall % Time in range 1.Sometimes 2.Yes Always

17 17 Conclusions – Professor Palareti Unstable pts spend more time in a condition of over-anticoagulation The following characteristics are more frequent in unstable pts: - Unawareness of the reasons for OAT - Poor understanding of OAT mechanisms - Compliance problems - In employment

18 18 Conclusion Only one statistically significant improvement to the overall % Time in range. –Use of video in education There is a need for standardisation and the identification of best practice.

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