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Sources THE INQUIRY DESIGN MODEL SESSION 3:. Part I – The Nature of Sources What are sources? What makes a source disciplinary? What is the relationship.

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2 Part I – The Nature of Sources What are sources? What makes a source disciplinary? What is the relationship between sources and tasks? How do sources support work with knowledge and skills?

3 What Are Sources? Sources provide information that is useful in answering questions Three characteristics of sources – Information contained in a source – Composition of a source – Perspective or bias of a source

4 What Makes a Source Disciplinary? Sources have features that are distinctive within the disciplines. Examples of disciplinary sources and processes include: Political Science – legislation Economics – data and statistics Geography – maps and GIS data History – oral history and diaries evaluating public policies quantitative reasoning spatial reasoning perspective

5 Your Task Given the content suggested in Key Idea 7.7 in NYS K–12 Social Studies Framework, what are some sources that would be useful in an inquiry on the compelling question, “Can words lead to war?” What sources in political science? What sources in economics? What sources in geography? What sources in history?

6 What is the relationship between sources and tasks? IDM tasks are anchored by sources Sources and tasks must work in tandem

7 SOURCES Source Work Follows C3 Inquiry Arc If students are asked a COMPELLING QUESTION… Students answer in the form of a SUMMATIVE ARGUMENT In the middle are the SUPPORTING QUESTIONS, FORMATIVE PERFORMANCE TASKS, AND SOURCES

8 How do sources support work with knowledge and skills? Disciplinary knowledge and disciplinary skills are integrated within an investigation. Source work is not easy.

9 Sources can be used to Spark curiosity Build knowledge Construct arguments Part II – The Instructional Uses of Sources

10 Sparking Curiosity Sparking curiosity is about engagement Focus on relevance and what we know students care about. Use staging activities in an inquiry. Nurture curiosity through sources throughout the inquiry.

11 How would you use this source to spark curiosity? Kailash Satyarthi

12 What are some other ways to spark curiosity using sources?

13 Building Knowledge Sources in an inquiry contain the disciplinary knowledge (content and concepts) students need to complete tasks. Students use disciplinary skills when building knowledge. Students gather information from the sources during an inquiry.

14 How do the sources support the building of knowledge?

15 Constructing Arguments with Evidence Inquiries result in arguments. Sources contain information that can be used as evidence in an argument. Students need support when determining what information should be used in an argument.

16 How do the sources support the argument?

17 Part III – Working with Sources When using sources in an inquiry teachers should consider the following: Selecting sources Scaffolding Adapting sources

18 Selecting Sources Selection of sources requires deep knowledge of content Where can we find the sources? – Archives, libraries, collections – Online – Through collaboration and sharing


20 Adapting Sources Approaches to adapting sources – Excerpting – Modifying – Annotating Examples – Text passage from Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Summary of Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Illustration from the first edition of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Adaptations to instruction Objections to making changes to sources

21 Sources Require Scaffolding Scaffolds provide novices with support for complex academic work. Toolkit scaffolds were designed to support formative and summative tasks. Analyzing sources in an inquiry involves literacy work. Again, source work is not easy.



24 Summary Sources contain information useful in answering questions, are disciplinary in nature, relate to the tasks in an inquiry, and support work with knowledge and skills. IDM features three instructional uses of sources: – Sparking curiosity – Building knowledge – Constructing arguments with evidence When using sources in an inquiry teachers should consider the following: – Selecting sources – Adapting sources – Scaffolding

25 IDM™ Conceptual Framework: Sources Content knowledge and disciplinary skills are integrated within an investigation (#3) Disciplinary sources are the building blocks of inquiry (#6) Social studies shares in the responsibility for literacy (#8)

26 Questions Tasks Sources

27 Pulling it All Together

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