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JESUS LIGHT OF THE WORLD Can you name this light and what it is used for?

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Presentation on theme: "JESUS LIGHT OF THE WORLD Can you name this light and what it is used for?"— Presentation transcript:



3 Can you name this light and what it is used for?

4 Bicycle lights used to warn road users that a bicycle is ahead.

5 What about this powerful light?

6 Lighthouse – used to give a warning to ships at sea to steer clear of rocks.

7 Not as powerful, but just as important

8 Miners used lamps not just to see, but also as a warning – the flame would change colour when dangerous gases were in the mine, which could cause an explosion.

9 What about these lights?

10 Runway lights mark the path that planes need to follow when they land and take off. They are guiding lights.

11 Not really lights – reflectors of light

12 Cat’s eyes on roads reflect the light from car headlights. Drivers know to stay on the left of these to avoid accidents.

13 This light?

14 Flashlight: a guiding light when we are camping or outdoors at night.

15 And what about these lights?

16 Christmas Lights: lights that help us celebrate the birth of Jesus.

17 And this type of light?


19 Lastly, this light …

20 Moon lantern festival: yet more lights to celebrate a special occasion.

21 Warning lights Jesus can warn us ! By listening to His teaching, we can learn how to avoid dangerous things.

22 Guiding Lights Jesus can guide us! By following His example, we can be better people.

23 Celebratory lights Following Jesus helps us celebrate life and lving.

24 Reflecting light: Think! How well do we reflect the light of Jesus? Are we willing to warn others when we knwow they’re doing something wrong? Do we try to guide others by being a shining example? When we celebrate do we spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves?


26 Lord Jesus, your light shines in this world and no amount of darkness, evil and suffering can stop it shining. Help us to reflect your light in everything we do. We ask this in your name. AMEN.


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