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Chapter 3, Section 3. * Value within yourself * Pride and worthwhile * High self-esteem * Friends easier * Controlled behavior * Enjoy life * Low.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3, Section 3. * Value within yourself * Pride and worthwhile * High self-esteem * Friends easier * Controlled behavior * Enjoy life * Low."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3, Section 3



4 * Value within yourself * Pride and worthwhile * High self-esteem * Friends easier * Controlled behavior * Enjoy life * Low self-esteem * Misbehavior * Feeling of physical appearance * Perceived appearance of others; * Dramatically different of how you appear to yourself

5 * Puberty (development of our body) * Early development vs. Late bloomers * “Baby” Fat vs. Filled out permanently * Girls want to develop faster * Pressures of being thin * Guys may want more muscles



8 * Family life * Criticize more than Praise * Peers and classmates * Teasing and Bullying * Insecurity of the attacker * Racial and ethnic prejudices * Pure ignorance

9 Do what makes you happy Setting goals and working towards them Eating healthy Exercising

10 * 1. Recognize your body is your own * All shapes, sizes, and colors are beautiful * Talk to a doctor if your concerned * 2. Realistically identify aspects you can change * Can’t change height or shoe size * Set goals for becoming more fit or eating healthier * 3. Give yourself 3 compliments a day * “I did really well in Lynch’s class today” * “I had a really good practice today.” * “I played the clarinet the best today.”


12 “ We want to help free ourselves and the next generation from beauty stereotypes. “ Dove Self-Esteem Fund - Only 4% of women worldwide think they are beautiful. So far Dove has reached 8 million girls. Goal 15million by 2015.

13 * Real Women not Professional models * Advertisements, Websites, Vehicles, Billboards, & Discussions * Listen to Women * Debunk Stereotypes * Support Self-Esteem * Workshops for girls and young women * Help Make a Difference *




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18 Fact or Fiction? After each question go to either side…. – FACT – FICTION

19 YOU NEED TO WORK OUT EVERYDAY TO BE FIT? - FICTION - 60 minutes of fun activity everyday is what you need - walk to school - dance with friends - play soccer with friends

20 I CAN CONTROL MY BODY SIZE IF I WORK REALLY HARD? - FICTION - Body size depends on: - Muscle - Bone and Height - Body Fat - Genetics

21 THE MAIN REASON TO BE ACTIVE IS TO LOSE WEIGHT? - FICTION -To have energy -Keep the heart healthy -To have fun

22 GIRLS SHOULD NOT GO ON WEIGHT LOSE DIETS? - FACT -Your body is still growing (bones, organs, and brain) -Decrease in food can put those in risk and not allow them to grow properly.

23 BOYS FEEL PRESSURE ABOUT THEIR BODY TOO? - FACT -Magazines are just as unrealistic -Most abdominal definitions are painted on male advertisements

24 IS IT NORMAL TO GAIN 40- 50LBS DURING PUBERTY? - FACT -Some added weight are your bones and organs -Healthy body fat -Approx. 10 inches in height

25 IF I SMOKE I CAN CONTROL MY WEIGHT? - FICTION -Smokers are thin and fat -Less likely to be active and strong -More likely to get a disease (lung cancer, emphysema)

26 * Puberty: (body size, voice change, body hair) * Uncomfortable * Genetics * Do not measure up with peers * Not everyone develops at same time * Magazines and Advertisements * Airbrush muscular features

27 * Recognize your strengths * Explore and know your talents * Good body does not equal athletic success * Strength training program * 30 minutes to 1hr/ 3 days a week * Exercise and healthy food * Lift your spirits and boost your energy * Respect your body * Avoid bad habits (smoking, drinking) * Be yourself!!

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