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Working On The Frontier

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1 Working On The Frontier
Jake Stratton Control Risks

2 A world of opportunity?

3 Identifying the risks Political volatility Policy stability
Partnership risk Security of assets Employee safety Forewarned is forearmed!

4 Scenarios, signposts, flashpoints and triggers
Political volatility Scenarios, signposts, flashpoints and triggers

5 Politics and business Clearly very uncertain political climate – uncertain operating conditions for foreign business: 26 national elections, plus many at local level (Niger just had first round of local elections) Impact on business from contract risk (Guinea – Pres Condé vet opp leader) Cote d’Ivoire - Pres Outtara since ouster of Laurent Gbagbo DRC – Pres Joseph Kabila Extremism (Nigeria – Pres Goodluck Jonathan) RSA – ANC factional tensions, Pres Jacob Zuma / ANC Youth League Pres Julius Malema. Pressure from the ANC's left-wing allies in the tripartite alliance and more radical ANC members such as Malema: tensions over policy direction. Madagascar - Ravalomanana replaced by Rajoelina in 2009 Kenya – Pres Kibaki (Kikuyu tribe), succeeded Daniel arap Moi (‘78-’02) As if political/security risk on land not enough, note grey patches on map – maritime security threats (of which more later) YET huge potential: extractives (traditional key markets like Nigeria, Tanzania, DRC, but new kids on the block: Liberia [corruption problem] and Mozambique) Other sectors: financial services, infrastructure, consumer goods, food and agriculture. 26 PRESIDENTIAL AND/OR LEGISLATIVE ELECTIONS IN AFRICA IN 2012 26 April 2017

6 Partnership risk How is the partner company connected?
Political connections: asset or liability? Managing the culture

7 Securing your business
Proprietary information Corporate integrity Business continuity Physical assets Employees

8 Securing your employees
A variety of measures enable companies to fulfill their duty of care and engender confidence: Corporate policies and procedures (specific allocation of responsibility, incident management teams etc) Information (country and city-specific security information, real-time travel alerts and advisories, hotlines etc) Technology (Travel tracking, e-learning tools) Training and orientation (hostile environments, incident management, travel security etc) Vulnerability surveys (residential, workplace, travel) Physical protection

9 Systematic risk management
Due Diligence Security Policy & Training Country Risk Analysis Fraud Risk Management Planning Implementing Crisis Planning Contingency Planning Market & Competitor Analysis IT Security 24-Hour Support Pre-Employment Screening Monitoring Risks Investigations Responding Managing Corporate responsibility Crisis Response Security audits & Training Forensic Services

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