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Induction & Socialization

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1 Induction & Socialization
Presented By: Varsha Lamb Trupti Joshi

2 Introduction The Induction and Socialization phases begin when the new employee receives the Welcome Packet. The Phases of Orientation

3 Induction Induction is the process of receiving & welcoming an employee when he first joins a company & giving him basic information. Lecture, handbook ,film, group seminar are used to impart information to new employees about the environment of the job & organisation.

4 Objective of Induction
Putting the new employee at ease. Creating interest in his job & the company. Providing basic information about working arrangements. Indicating the standards of performance & behaviour expected of him. Informing him about training facilities. Creating the feeling of social security.

5 How to make Induction effective?
Feed forward of the possible problems & solutions of them. A warm & friendly welcome will reduce possible problems. A phased induction program would place new employee at ease & learn slowly. Attaching a collegue to new employee for a month would reduce his anxiety.

6 Advantages First impression matters a good deal & results in less turnover. Newcomer adjusts himself to work quickly. Reduce employee dissatifaction & grievances. Develops a sense of belongingness & commitment.

7 Socialization Socialisation is a process of indoctrinating the new employee into the organisation culture.

8 Functions of Socialisation
It creates uniform behaviour in members & increses understanding. It reduces role ambiguity of employee as they will come to know what is expected of them.

9 Process of Socialisation
It has three stages in process of Socialisation: 1:Pre-arrival 2:Encounter 3:Transformation

10 Thank You

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