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Published byDebra Webb Modified over 9 years ago
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Strategic Plan 2012/13 – 2016/17 Director-General 13 March 2012
Presentation Outline Overview Challenges in the sector Policy and programme intervention Resource allocation Programme 1: Administration and resources allocation Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety Programme 3: Food Security and Agrarian Reform Programme 4: Economic Development, Trade and Marketing Programme 5: Forestry and Natural Resources Management Programme 6: Fisheries Management Conclusion 2
3 Overview I am pleased to submit the Strategic plan for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2012/13 to 2016/17 for tabling in Parliament Section 27(4) of Public Finance Management Act requires that the accounting officer of a department must submit measurable objectives within its department’s programmes to the National Assembly In line with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations, DAFF would like to table the 5 year Strategic Plan before Parliament The Strategic Plan complies with the guidelines provided by National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration The presentation will focus on deliverables for the Medium Term Expenditure Framework cycle for six budgetary programmes for 2012/13 to 2014/15, according to the Estimate of National Expenditure Lastly the presentation will focus on the Annual Performance Plan of the six departmental programmes as reflected in Annexture1 of the Strategic Plan
4 Challenges in the Sector Food price volatility, and anti-competitive behaviour impacts on national food security Inadequate extension services especially in Forestry and Fisheries Interdependency on Intergovernmental coordination No guaranteed market for products produced by small holders The slow progress in terms of increasing production efficiency
5 Challenges in the Sector cont… Profitability has increased, but at slower rates, and is attributed to a concentrated few that have been able to survive global market and financial challenges Transformation in all three sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) remains a challenge in differences in interpretation, and implementation Inadequate monitoring and enforcement in the sustainable use of natural resources
6 Policy and programme interventions Government adoption of the 12 Key Outcomes by the January 2010 Cabinet Lekgotla Signing of Performance Agreements and Delivery Agreements with DAFF directly contributes to the following 2 Outcomes with clear targets: Outcome (7): Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Outcome (10): Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources IPAP 2 New Growth Path National Planning Commission vision 2030
7 Programme interventions: development targets Increase the number of smallholder farmers from 200 000 to 250 000 by 2014 As a result of the continued success of commercial farming, the number of employees on commercial farms should rise from 780 000 to 800 000 by 2014 Aim to place 300 000 households in smallholder schemes by 2015 (goat, sheep, wheat, aquaculture, forestry, etc.) 145 000 jobs in agro-processing by 2020 5 520 jobs Community Works Programme Plan by 2014 Rehabilitation of 3.2 m hectares of agricultural land by 2014 Recovery of targeted fish stocks (abalone, hake and West Coast Rock Lobster) by 10% by 2014
9 Alignment of MTSF Priorities, Key Outcomes and Strategic Goals Medium Term Strategic Framework Priority Areas Key OutcomesStrategic Goals A comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all G1: Increased profitable production of food, fiber and timber products by all categories of producers Speed up economic growth and transform the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods Decent employment through inclusive economic growth G1: Increased profitable production of food, fiber and timber products by all categories of producers G4: A transformed and united sector G5: Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development Sustainable resource management and use Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources G2: Sustainable management of natural resources G3: Effective national regulatory services and risk management Pursuing regional development, African enhancement and enhanced international cooperation Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world G6: Effective and efficient governance Massive programmes to build economic and social infrastructure An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network G1: Increased profitable production of food, fiber and timber products by all categories of producers Strengthen the skills and human resource base Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth G6: Effective and efficient governance G4: A transformed and united sector Build a developmental state, including improving public services and strengthening democratic institutions An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship G4: A transformed and united sector G6: Effective and efficient governance Intensify the fight against crime and corruption All people in South Africa are and feel safeG3: Effective national regulatory services and risk
10 Programme 1: Administration 10 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Improved Human Resources management and development support Adherence to performance management and development system 80% adherence to PMDS 100% adherence to PMDS implementation of HRD Strategy 60% Strategy implemented 80% implemented 90% implemented100% implemented 100% implemented Reduction in vacancy rate 11%10% Develop and implement the Master Systems Plan to enable the effective use of technology within DAFF to improve business processes and systems Master Systems Plan implemented Phase 1 of the Master Systems Plan Phase 2 of the Master Systems Plan Phase 3 of the Master Systems Plan Phase 4 of the Master Systems Plan Review and evaluate Master Systems Plan Develop and implement Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Strategy for preservation of institutional memory KIM Strategy implemented Review and implement phase1 of Knowledge and Information Management Strategy Implement phase 2 Implement Phase 3 Implement Phase 4 Review and evaluate Knowledge Information Management Strategy
11 Programme 1: Administration cont… 11 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Increase access to development financial services by smallholder and subsistence producers through comprehensive funding facility Access to MAFISA 5 0006 0007 0008 0009 000 Support through CASP 15 00016 00017 00018 00019 000 Support through Ilima/Letsema 30 00033 00036 00039 00042 000 Deploy SMS members to commodity groups and District Municipalities Efficient stakeholder service delivery 22 District Municipalities, 8 Metros and commodity groups 22 District Municipalities, 8 Metros and commodity groups 22 District Municipalities, 8 Metros and commodity groups 22 District Municipalities, 8 Metros and commodity groups 22 District Municipalities, 8 Metros and commodity groups
12 Programme Outputs Development and implementation of the Integrated Departmental Security Strategy Eight Health & Wellness Service points implemented in prioritized regions 90 SMS members trained on disciplinary procedures Intergovernmental Strategy developed and aligned to the departmental mandate 5 MOUs signed with commodity groups and implemented Implementation of comprehensive funding facility to support smallholder producers 15 000 smallholder producers supported through CASP 5 000 smallholder producers supported through MAFISA 30 0000 subsistence producers supported through Ilima/Letsema
13 Programme Outputs cont… A project to review legislation and submit proposals for Ministerial approval 20 National statistical information reports published 12 economic indicators reports on trends for the sector reports published Monitoring and assessment of the performance of Provincial Departments of Agriculture and State Owned Entities Research conducted on agro- processing and climate change to support the Zero Hunger campaign Integrated Outcomes to the Provincial Departments of Agriculture’s plans Alignment of Provincial Departments of Agriculture’s programme with DAFF’s Assessment of DAFF funded programmes (Land Care; Ilima/Letsema; MAFISA etc.)
14 Resource allocation Medium –term expenditure estimates R million2012/132013/142014/15 Ministry Departmental Management Financial Administration Internal Audit Corporate Services Stakeholder Relations, Communication & Legal Services Policy, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Office Accommodation 27.2 29.1 139.9 7.8 133.1 43.7 87.2 144.8 28.6 33.3 148.2 8.3 151.4 46.1 89.1 151.7 30.0 35.8 155.0 8.6 159.4 48.2 92.8 158.7 Total612.9656.7688.6
15 Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety 15 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Implement Plant and Animal Production Strategies to increase production Number of producers participating in new animal production schemes 1300350400450600 Number of beneficiaries benefitting from Commodity Strategies 200 beneficiaries from Pig Commodity Strategy 200 beneficiaries from Milk Commodity Strategy 500 beneficiaries from small stock Commodity Strategy 500 beneficiaries from Egg Commodity Strategy 500 beneficiaries from Broilers Commodity Strategy Regulatory Frameworks approved by Parliament and Implemented Develop Compulsory Community Service Framework Implement Compulsory Community Service 100 veterinarians Implement Compulsory Community Service 100 veterinarians Implement Compulsory Community Service 100 veterinarians Implement Compulsory Community Service 100 veterinarians Number of Primary animal health care awareness campaigns Nationally 4 awareness campaigns 4 awareness campaigns 4 awareness campaigns 4 awareness campaigns 4 awareness campaigns Quarterly plant production support and health interventions 4 plant health interventions 4 plant health interventions 4 plant health interventions 4 plant health interventions 4 plant health interventions Number of plant- related commodity strategies implemented 1 key Commodity Strategy implemented 1 key Commodity Strategy implemented Evaluation and review of the National Production Strategy
16 Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety cont… 16 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Facilitate the development and implementation of strategies, policies, quality standards and other SPS measures Regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions to enhance biosecurity and food safety 44444 Regulatory framework instruments approved 1 Liquor Products Bill 4 Liquor Products Bill Farm feeds and fertilizers act Stock Remedies Policy; Agricultural Products Standards (APS) Amendment Bill 3 Liquor Products Act, Pesticides and animal medicines Bill, Agricultural Production Standard Amendment Bill 2 Pesticides and animal medicines Bill Agricultural Production Standard Amendment Act 1 Pesticides and animal medicines Act Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary (SPS) Strategy developed 2 Plant Health (Phyto Sanitary) Policy Plant Protection Bill 1 Plant Protection Bill submitted to Parliamentary process 1 Plant Protection Act Gazetted Implementation of Plant Protection Act Draft SPS Strategy SPS Strategy approved SPS Strategy implemented
17 Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety cont… 17 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Improve early detections and reaction time to outbreaks of animal and plant diseases & pests Number of reports on early detections and reaction time to outbreaks of plant diseases & pests 2 Reports 2 Reports 2 Reports 2 Reports 2 Reports Number of reports on early detections and reaction time to outbreaks of animal diseases & pests 6 Reports 6 Reports 6 Reports 6 Reports 6 Reports Facilitate access to diverse indigenous genetic resources for increased agricultural production Monitoring reports of genetic resources for food and agriculture 2 Reports 2 Reports 2 Reports 2 Reports 2 Reports
18 Programme Outputs 4 regulatory reports on compliance and monitoring interventions Coordinate 6 animal disease control interventions 2 surveillance campaigns conducted on animal diseases Regulatory framework instruments approved and the amended Liquor Products Bill gazetted Declaration of Animal Breeds :1 poultry and 2 cattle breeds 4 animal health awareness campaigns to implement animal diseases mitigation strategies Approved Plant Health Policy and Plant Protection Bill to provide regulatory support services Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan 2 surveillance campaigns of quarantine plant pests & diseases to improve early detections and response to outbreaks of plant diseases and pests In situ conservation programme (Plant Genetic Resources for food and Agriculture)
19 Programme Outputs cont… 1 300 farmers benefiting from animal production and improvement schemes such as Kaonafatso ya dikgomo, and milk recording improvement 200 farmers benefiting from Pig Commodity Strategy An independent meat inspection system finalised and 32 000 livestock identification certificates issued Approved Plant Health Policy and Plant Protection Bill to provide regulatory support services Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan and 2 surveillance campaigns of quarantine plant pests & diseases to improve early detections and response to outbreaks of plant diseases and pests 2 000 farmers supported and benefiting from National Strategy for Vegetables 5 000 farmers provided with technical support to national priority programmes & provincial initiatives
20 Resource allocation R MillionMedium-term expenditure estimate 2012/132013/142014/15 Management Inspection and Laboratory Services Plant Production and Health Animal Production and Health Agricultural Research 2.0 282.6 483.1 188.4 935.5 2.1 301.2 507.1 206.4 931.7 2.2 315.7 532.1 223.0 1 044.2 Total1 891.61 948.52 117.2 Resource allocation
Programme 3: Food Security & Agrarian Reform Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Support mechanisms for food security production for subsistence and smallholder producers Zero Hunger campaign Implemented Develop business case and coordinate implementation Coordinate the implementation of Zero Hunger campaign Develop Zero Hunger midterm implementation plan Coordinate the implementation of Zero Hunger campaign Coordinate comprehensive support to smallholder producers Smallholder producers supported through the Smallholder Strategy 15 000 20 000 Improve livelihoods of vulnerable groups Provincial vulnerable workers delivery units established 5 Provinces4 ProvincesMonitor and report Approved sector audit report by Social & Protection Cluster Audit sector processes and deliverables Implement sector audit recommendations 21
Programme 3: Food Security & Agrarian Reform Cont… Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Coordinate the provision of comprehensive training and extension support Increase in number of producers accessing training programmes Coordinate training programmes for 15 000 smallholder producers Coordinate training programmes for 15 000 smallholder producers Coordinate training programmes for 15000 smallholder producers Extension personnel receiving targeted training and capacity building support Evaluate Extension Recovery Plan Coordinate development of Extension Recovery Annual Plans Coordinate the implementation of Extension Recovery Annual Plans Develop National Extension policy Draft National Extension Bill Facilitate legislative process Establish National Council for extension Coordinate the implementation of national extension policy Approved Agricultural Training Institutions (ATIs) Green Paper 7Aagricultural Colleges transformed into ATIs 3 Agricultural Colleges transformed into ATIs 2 Agricultural Colleges (ATI’s) operating as centers of excellence 3 ATIs establish a community outreach centre 6 of ATIs establish community outreach centre 22
23 Programme Outputs 15 000 new smallholder producers established 15 000 smallholder producers supported through training 20 targeted training programmes for producers 7 Agricultural colleges transformed into Agricultural Training Institutes 1000 subsistence and smallholder producers trained on industry focused farmer training programmes 180 agriculture students trained in Higher Education 5 Provinces with Functional Vulnerable Workers Delivery Units (WC, LP, MP, KZN; FS) 700 extension officers upgrading qualifications 900 Extension officers trained on Extension suite online
24 Programme Outputs cont… Gazette Green Paper on Food Security and approved National Food Security policy Approved business case on Zero Hunger Zero Hunger campaign implemented Approved Smallholder Strategy to coordinate support for smallholder producers Approved Mechanisation policy and tractor scheme 3 Engineering norms and standards for agricultural infrastructure development Norms and standards aligned with the Agricultural Training Institute Bill Implement vulnerable workers summit resolutions Extension officers placed with commodity organisations in municipalities Approved National Extension Policy
25 Resource allocation R MillionMedium-term expenditure estimate 2012/132013/142014/15 Management Food Security Sector Capacity Development National Extension Support Services 2.3 868.8 188.3 349.2 2.5 1 021.1 208.4 368.4 2.6 1 069.5 250.9 390.1 Total1 408.61 600.3 1 713.0
26 Programme 4: Economic Development, Trade & Marketing 26 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Ensure the establishment and support of commodity groups and associations 30% of Smallholder Producers to be organised into producers' associations or marketing co-ops Facilitate the implementation of the Sector business policy in advancing commodity groups 108 Cooperatives established 126 Cooperatives established 144 Cooperatives established 153 Cooperatives established 162 Cooperatives established Facilitate the improvement of the efficiency of value chains within the sector Value chain networks established and institutionalised Fisheries value chain network established Grains value chain network established Horticulture value chain network established Forestry value chain network established Livestock value chain network established Ensure the development and implementation of sector charters and strategies Sector strategies developed and implemented Integrated SMME Strategy developed Integrated SMME Strategy implemented (25 small businesses supported) Integrated SMME Strategy implemented (35 small businesses supported) Integrated SMME Strategy implemented (45 small businesses supported) Facilitate the implementation of Marketing Strategy Contribute to the implementation of intergovernmental agro-processing programmes Oversee the review and implementation of the Trade Strategy
Programme 4: Economic Development, Trade & Marketing Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Ensure the development and implementation of sector charters and strategies Sector charters implemented Implementation of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries charters Facilitate the enhancement of intra-Africa and international trade in Agriculture, Forestry and Forestry products Increased intra- Africa trade Oversee participation in the tripartite (SADC, EAC, COMESA) Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations Ensure the coordination and implementation of signed agreements and development of new agreements Cooperation agreements developed and signed Oversee the negotiations and signing of intra- Africa and international agreements Ensure promotion and protection of DAFF strategic interests regionally and internationally Improved DAFF participation in international and regional fora Oversee DAFF participation in regional and international fora 27
28 Programme Outputs Integrated Trade Strategy for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Participation in the COMESA-EAC-SADC tripartite free trade area negotiations on market access and trade Finalised cooperation agreements regionally and internationally Fresh produce marketing infrastructure support business case developed Marketing of Agricultural Products Amendment Bill published Agricultural Produce Agents Amendment Bill published Integrated Marketing Strategy for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Agro-processing sector profiles completed AgriBEE Sector Code (Section 9) gazetted Fisheries Transformation Framework developed Cooperatives established (108) and trained Sector business policy implemented Integrated SMME Strategy for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
29 Resource allocation R MillionMedium-term expenditure estimate 2012/132013/142014/15 Management International Relations and Trade Co-operatives and Rural Development Agro-processing and Marketing 2.5 89.1 74.1 46.3 2.7 93.8 78.3 49.1 2.8 103.1 86.0 51.7 Total212.0223.8243.6
30 Programme 5: Forestry & Natural Resource Management 30 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Provide support to 5 000 small producers (small growers) Small producers supported with training and linked to potential funders 1000 Facilitate the creation of job opportunities through Land Care Programme and State Land Management Land Care jobs created 105 000 opportunities = 454 Full Time Equivalent 130 Full Time Equivalent 108 Full Time Equivalent 65 Full Time Equivalent 73 Full Time Equivalent 78 Full Time Equivalent Jobs created 300 opportunities 60 job opportunities Support refurbishment and maintenance of 1250 hectares of smallholder government irrigation schemes Hectares of irrigation schemes revitalized 250 ha of irrigation schemes revitalized 250 ha of smallholder government irrigation schemes revitalized Coordinate rehabilitation of 50 000 ha indigenous forests, woodlands and agricultural land Rehabilitated hectares of agricultural land, woodlands and indigenous forest 10 000 hectares Number of hectares planted (afforested) Facilitate afforestation of 10 000 hectares Facilitate afforestation of 10 000 hectares Facilitate afforestation of 10 000 hectares Facilitate afforestation of 10 000 hectares Facilitate afforestation of 10 000 hectares
31 Programme 5: Forestry & Natural Resource Management cont… 31 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Coordinate the development, implementation and monitoring of Climate Change Adaptation Plans Climate change adaptation and mitigation plans developed and implemented Approved Climate Change adaptation and mitigation plans Implement Climate Change adaptation programmes Monitor the implementation of Climate Change adaptation programmes Review Climate Change adaptation plans Forestry adaptation plans developed and implemented Develop Forestry adaptation plans Implement Forestry adaptation plans Facilitate the implementation of the Forestry Sector Charter Forestry undertakings implemented Implement charter undertakings Review charter undertakings Implement charter undertakings Facilitate the creation of 12 000 jobs through refurbishment of Category B&C plantations Jobs created through (refurbishment of category B&C plantations) 2 300 jobs2 700 jobs2 200 jobs2 400 jobs
32 Programme Outputs Approved feasibility study on disaster risk management institutions. 2 approved reports on the implementation of Flood Assistance Scheme 2 seminars on weather and climate to the agricultural sector Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan Irrigation schemes revitalized (Taung and Makhathini) Approved guidelines of sustainable on-farm and on-scheme water measurement Approved report on Water Use for drought tolerant crops 9,500 hectares of degraded land rehabilitated Pilot study to develop a Natural Agricultural Resource Management (NRM) strategy for 1 local Municipality in Limpopo Province. 130 Full Time Equivalent job opportunities created (30 000 job opportunities) 60 Job opportunities created through State Land Management Financial Assistance and Land Act 500 hectares of indigenous forests rehabilitated
33 Programme Outputs cont… Limpopo geo-database to conduct an assessment of Indigenous Forests and Woodlands 20 forest patches of threatened and endangered species (fauna and flora) identified and protected Systematic refined conservation targets for indigenous forests National Forests Act and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act Amendment Bill signed by the Minister and proposed amendments tabled for discussion with stakeholders Fully operational National Fire Danger Rating System tested as pilot project Approved State Forest Plantation growth strategy Transfer Agreement signed by Minister and Community Representatives transfer of MMM plantation to communities Approved Cabinet Memo for re-commissioning of Lowveld plantation exit areas Approved National plan for greening strategy. Eastern Cape Afforestation Environmental Impact Assessment report Guidelines on four subsectors (growers, honey production, nurseries and contractors)
34 Programme Outputs cont… 500 producers supported in KZN, 200 in Eastern Cape, 100 in Limpopo and Mpumalanga and 200 in other regions 1 000 jobs created in KZN, 500 in Eastern Cape, 300 in Limpopo and Mpumalanga and 25 in other regions 10 000 hectares of trees planted in KZN, 10 000 hectares planted in Eastern Cape, 3 000 in in Limpopo and Mpumalanga and 41 000 in other regions
35 Resource allocation R MillionMedium-term expenditure estimate 2012/132013/142014/15 Management Forestry Operations Forestry Oversight and Regulation Natural Resources Management 4.3 451.2 48.2 758.2 4.5 472.5 54.2 662.3 4.7 502.9 54.7 631.9 Total1 261.81 193.51 194.2
36 Programme 6: Fisheries Management 36 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Coordinate and provide support to the establishment of 187 aquaculture farms Increase number of fish farms from 87 to 187 Facilitate establishment of 10 new fish farms Facilitate establishment of 15 new fish farms Facilitate establishment of 20 new fish farms Facilitate establishment of 25 new fish farms Facilitate establishment of 30 new fish farms Increase number of fish processing establishments from 62 to 72 Facilitate the establishment of 2 Fish Processing Establishment Support the creation of 5 000 job opportunities through Working for Fisheries programme Community projects implemented through Working for Fisheries Programme (WFFP) 15 Working for Fisheries Programme projects implemented 10 Working for Fisheries Programme projects implemented Co-ordinate stock recovery on key fisheries through the implementation of stock enhancement guidelines Extent of the recovery of spawning biomass of Abalone, Hake, West Coast Rock Lobster, and Linefish from current levels. Implementation of recovery strategy towards targets set for Abalone, Hake, West Coast Rock Lobster, and Linefish.
37 Programme 6: Fisheries Management cont… 37 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Coordinate and improve enforcement efforts on Hake, Abalone, Squid, West coast rock lobster and Line fish Reviewed of Right Holders in the 5 Key Fisheries Sectors. Review of Permit and Right Holders compliance with policies and prescripts: 276 of 2304 Right Holders. Review of Right Holders: 345 of 2304 Right Holders. Review of Right Holders: 414 of 2304 Right Holders. Review of Right Holders: 460 of 2304 Right Holders. Review of Right Holders: 506 of 2304 Right Holders.. Reviewed Integrated Fisheries Security Strategy (IFSS) through inspection of Fishing vessels at sea, landings Inspections of vessels at Sea: 600 Inspections of vessels at Sea: 620 Inspections of vessels at Sea: 640 Inspections of vessels at Sea: 660 Inspections of vessels at Sea: 680 Inspections of vessels at Landings: 800 fishing vessels. Inspections of vessels at Landings: 1600 inspections on 800 fishing vessels. Inspections of vessels at Landings: 2000 inspections on 800 vessels. Inspections of vessels at Landings: 2400 inspections on 800 fishing vessels. Inspections of vessels at Landings: 3000 inspections on 800 fishing vessels. Broaden access through empowerment of small producers, improving competitiveness and investment in fisheries infrastructure Aquaculture development and management frameworks Aquaculture Certification Plan (ACP) Integrated Aquaculture EIA Guidelines Mid-term review on NASF National Aquaculture Policy Revised NASF (Action Plan 2) Aquaculture development facilities Establish 1 Aquaculture Development Zone and 1 hatcheries (revitalize 1 hatchery) Establish the Rural Fisheries Programme in the Eastern Cape province Establish additional 1 Aquaculture Development Zone And revitalize 1 hatchery Establish the Rural Fisheries Programme in Limpopo province Establish additional 1 Aquaculture Development Zone and revitalize 5 hatcheries
38 Programme 6: Fisheries Management cont… 38 Strategic Interventions Targets Indicator2012/132013/142014/152015/162016/17 Broaden access through empowerment of small producers, improving competitiveness and investment in fisheries infrastructure Commercial fishing rights allocated in 17 fishing sectors Revised General Fishing policy and 8 Sector Specific Fishing policies and establish Rights allocation process. Allocate and Manage fishing rights in 8 fishing Sectors Allocate rights in a further 9 fishing Sectors Revise rights allocation policies and establish rights allocation process for 9 Fishing Sectors. Framework for the management of the Fish Processing Establishments Develop a Framework for the management of the Fish Processing Establishments Implement Framework for the management of the Fish Processing Establishments Implement Framework for the management of the Fish Processing Establishments Implement Framework for the management of the Fish Processing Establishments Implement Framework for the management of the Fish Processing Establishments
39 Programme Outputs 1 Aquaculture Certification Plan to consolidate Shell Fish Monitoring and 2 Control Programmes Small-holder producer association established 3 New fish farms established and rights allocated and permits issued A feasibility report on the status and potential of inland fisheries in South Africa 3 Fish Processing Facilities established 15 Working for Fisheries Programme projects 3 new fishing harbors proclaimed Compliance and enforcement efforts: o 800 vessel landings inspected in 5 key fisheries (hake, abalone, squid, line-fish and rock lobster) o 104 Land based Fish Processing Establishments (FPE) inspections o 100 Fishing Vessel Processing Establishments (FPE’s) inspections conducted at sea. o Rights holders investigated in 5 key fisheries (hake, abalone, squid, line-fish and rock lobster) o 50 Land and Air Border Inspections conducted on Marine Living Resource Act and permit conditions. o Sea-based inspection of vessels in 5 priority fisheries (hake, abalone, squid, line-fish and rock lobster) o 1000 Fishing vessels monitored by Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).
40 Programme Outputs Cont… Rights allocated in the Small Scale Fisheries Sector to fishing coastal communities Fish Processing Rights allocated to manage and regulate Fish Processing Establishments (inshore, offshore and high seas fisheries) Review of ecological risk assessment on South Coast Rock Lobster and KZN Prawn Trawl Approved fisheries management plan for West Coast Rock Lobster sector Approved Pilot Project on different anchovy uses for human consumption to address food security. Review and assess performance of Right Holders in certain fishing sectors Framework for licensing Charter Boats to manage and regulate the recreational fishing sector Finalise National Programme of Action for Fishing Capacity Review Small and Large Pelagics Ecological Risk Assessment to manage Ecosystem approach Research on aquatic animal health and diseases for aquaculture Investigate the feasibility of two potential new fisheries
41 Resource allocation R MillionMedium-term expenditure estimate 2012/132013/142014/15 Management Aquaculture Monitoring Control and Surveillance Marine Resources Management Fisheries Research and Development Marine Living Resources Fund 1.9 25.5 66.5 15.9 49.1 253.0 2.0 26.7 69.8 16.7 51.5 186.1 2.1 28.1 73.3 17.6 54.1 197.3 Total411.8352.9372.4
42 Conclusion Intensify working with the Provincial departments of Agriculture Intensify engagements with stakeholders and other government departments Support Parliament in the finalisation of Bills Intensify oversight work in all district municipality
43 THANK YOU !!!
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