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Diseases and the Immune/Lymphatic System. Define these terms: Put your answers where you would start your notes. Define with your partner using only your.

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Presentation on theme: "Diseases and the Immune/Lymphatic System. Define these terms: Put your answers where you would start your notes. Define with your partner using only your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diseases and the Immune/Lymphatic System

2 Define these terms: Put your answers where you would start your notes. Define with your partner using only your collective brains. 1.Infectious 2.Virus 3.Quarantine 4.Vaccine 5.Immunity 6.Epidemic 7.Outbreak 8.Pandemic 9.Epidemiology 10.Patient Zero

3 Disease terms Infectious: Capable of spreading disease. Also known as communicable. Virus: A tiny organism that multiplies within cells and causes disease. Quarantine: The isolation of a person or animal who has a disease (or is suspected of having a disease) in order to prevent further spread of the disease.

4 Vaccine: A product that produces immunity thus protects the body from a disease. Immunity: Protection against a disease. Passive OR Active. Indicated by the presence of antibodies in the blood and can usually be determined with a laboratory test.

5 Epidemic: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time: "a flu epidemic" Outbreak: describe an occurrence of disease greater than would otherwise be expected at a particular time and place. It may affect a small and localized group or impact upon thousands of people across an entire continent. Pandemic: Prevalent over a whole country or the world

6 Epidemiology: Study disease and track it Patient Zero: Patient Zero–or the index case as it’s clinically known–refers to the first person who shows documented symptoms of the disease.

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