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By Roland Foster Supervisors: Mr. Mehrdad Ghaziasgar Mr. James Connan Mentor: Mr. Warren Nel.

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Presentation on theme: "By Roland Foster Supervisors: Mr. Mehrdad Ghaziasgar Mr. James Connan Mentor: Mr. Warren Nel."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Roland Foster Supervisors: Mr. Mehrdad Ghaziasgar Mr. James Connan Mentor: Mr. Warren Nel

2 Overview Introduction High Level Design Low Level Design Project Plan References Demo of the Prototype

3 Introduction Organize and easily retrieve images and their metadata Detect images on hard drive Eliminate duplicates Ability to tag images Manual Automatic (Object Recognition) Easily retrieve images based on these tags

4 High Level Design Find all image files

5 High Level Design (cont..) Remove Duplicates

6 High Level Design (cont..) Tagging an image Entered Tags Embed XML within the image XML string construction Roland Foster

7 High Level Design (cont..) Searching for an image Search terms Match the search terms against the tags extracted from the images Images matching search criteria are returned

8 Low Level Design Search Function

9 Low Level Design (cont..) Generate the checksum

10 Low Level Design (cont..) Compare checksums ==

11 Low Level Design (cont..) Write unique image files to a text file

12 User Interface Specification

13 Project Plan Term 1 Gather Requirements and Analysis Learn to use: Image processing tools/techniques in Open CV Programming in Python Term 2 Design and Development of the Prototype Develop the following functions : Eliminate duplicates Adding tags to images Develop Search function Develop the GUI for the prototype Term 3 Coding the Final Application/Implementation Detecting objects Improvements on the GUI for the application Term 4 Testing and Evaluation Refactoring code if necessary

14 References Olivier Tilloy, 2010. Pyexiv2 Documentation. Available at: Last accessed 30 April 2012. Wiki Wxpython, 2012. WxGlade Menu Tutorial. Available at: enu%29%29. Last accessed 9 May 2012. wxPython, 2009. wx.ImageHandler-class. Available at: Last accessed 2 May 2012. Mike, 2010. Dialogs in wxPython. Available at: 2-of-2/. Last accessed 14 May 2012.

15 Demo The tasks to be demoed: Tagging an image Searching for an image

16 Questions

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