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Educ. 674 Summer09 Professor Michael Klein Project One by Luis M. Perez PROJECT ONE- ASSISTIVE DEVICE.

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1 Educ. 674 Summer09 Professor Michael Klein Project One by Luis M. Perez PROJECT ONE- ASSISTIVE DEVICE

2 Impulse Switch

3 Electromyography  The Impulse Switch is an electromyography sensor. It senses any muscle/nerve movement or contraction. It amplifies, digitizes and transmit those Emg signals to the electrode site. Electrode sensor The sensor snaps onto a disposable electrode that adheres to the skin. The electrodes are small pads with a sticky side which allow the sensor to receive and transmit muscle activity

4 Impulse Switch device usages 1. The Impulse Switch specialized software runs on a Microsoft Windows compatible computer that wirelessly receives the signal. When volitional muscle control is detected, a virtual switch “hit” is passed to special software (such as EZ-Keys) allowing users to control their computer 2. The Impulse can also function as an alarm that alerts caregivers to the needs of the user.

5 Impulse Switch in the Classroom  The Impulse Switch allows user to completely control their computer using any muscle with voluntary control when used in conjunction with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems.  Wireless connectivity allows you to remain connected to the computer even while being transported short distances (such as to the bathroom).

6 Classroom Curriculum  All subscriptions include: Downloadable AbleNet Edition Teacher's Guide with Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 instructional strategies. Plus premium lessons of: Sensory Activities, Literacy Games, Web- Links, and Day-Filler Actvities. All new specially designed, grade-level, content for Levels 1, 2, and 3: - Level 1 - typically used for students working on developmental skills or at pre-emerging academic skills - Level 2 - typically used for students with emerging to beginning academic skills (readiness skills, beginning academic skills, K - 1 grade level) - Level 3 - typically used for students who benefit from academic grade level content materials written with low vocabulary demands (text readability from 1.5 - 2.9 grade levels.)

7 Classroom Curriculum  Core Content and IEP Skill Lessons with: - 3 Levels of Adapted literacy (see Levels 1, 2, 3) + Grade level literacy - Picture Symbol supports - using JupiterImages, the premier picture symbols supports found most frequently in the integrated world of the 21st Century - proven to increase understanding & generalization of skills - Worksheets/Activities (*see Levels 1, 2, 3) in comprehension, writing, vocabulary, math, science, social studies, health, communication, social interaction, and more...  - All NEW Bonus Activities Community Based Instruction, Surveys, Interviews, Recipes, Art/Music Projects, Games, Interactive Bulletin Boards, etc.) Action Dictionary - the special educator's guide to differentiated instruction

8 PRODUCTS AND SUPPORT  Impulse Switch- $ 2,100.00  Impulse Electrodes- $ 99.00  Flash scanning communication deluxe-  $ 999.00  Software vary from price-$ 100s-$ 1000s  ttouch2009/

9 Impulse Switch – The End

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