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Why strive for the healthy workplace? What we do differently Our measurable successes.

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Presentation on theme: "Why strive for the healthy workplace? What we do differently Our measurable successes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why strive for the healthy workplace? What we do differently Our measurable successes

2 North Downs Farm

3 “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time” Our culture: AE Rodda – Company founder (1890)


5 We believe: Health and wellbeing at work should be understood as: “State of complete physical, mental and social well-being”

6 Why strive for Health and Wellbeing in the workplace? The economics: Return on investment - £3 return for every £1 invested Cost of sickness and absenteeism is £100bn annually £:

7 Presenteeism - the opposite of absenteeism. The problems faced when employees come to work in spite of illness, which can have similar negative repercussions on business performance. Hidden cost of ‘sickness presence’

8 What we do and what we say: Involvement of all directors and staff Proactive with H & S Competitive pay, bonuses and pension

9 Six monthly health checks – 1 st time a local organisation has approached the private health sector Monthly campaigns in line with the NHS 24 hour (confidential phone-line) counselling facilities for staff and their families Health checks

10 Free fruit Free newspapers Social events: BBQ’s Treat days

11 We listen! Staff questionnaire – Help for smokers Supporting the community Workers’ committee Staff newsletter with staff input Open door policy

12 Back to work interviews Extra point of contact What is not said is as important as what is Objectively carried out by HR - not managers Helps prevent sickness presenteeism Seen a massive drop in sickness levels NOT Big brother!

13 Measurable successes First factory EVER to receive the Gold Award First company in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly to get to Gold directly Now working to help create a higher standard

14 Measurable successes Our average sickness rate is 75% lower than the national average Staff turnover almost zero Employment waiting list

15 “ Being deaf hasn’t affected my employment at Rodda’s... I’m not a number but a person: not a person with a disability but part of the team and treated equally. ” Keith Jones, Hygiene Operative What our staff say:

16 “Thank you for showing you care, treating us as family and giving me the chance to prove I can achieve things with the correct help and guidance.” Vicki Clive Creamery operative What our staff say:

17 Summary Invest in your brand; invest in your people The economic health of your company is determined by the physical and social well-being of your staff.


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