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1 Revision & exam techniques Stephanie McKeating and Louise Fletcher.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Revision & exam techniques Stephanie McKeating and Louise Fletcher."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Revision & exam techniques Stephanie McKeating and Louise Fletcher

2 2 Outline of the workshop what is revision revision tips exam skills

3 3 Revision is….. a process of: –identifying key issues & themes –interpreting and applying knowledge is an active & questioning process ongoing NOT cramming

4 4 Revision tips 1 revision should be ongoing –review your notes on a regular basis –reflect on the topics know your syllabus –module outline –list main topics

5 5 Revision tips 2 condense your notes –brief summaries of main points –bullet points –cards –mind maps / spider diagrams / images

6 6 Revision tips 3 keep revision active –ask questions –talk about a topic to a friend –write answers in exam conditions develop learning adds –question banks –mind maps, images prioritise your health

7 7 Motivating yourself maintain a clear focus decide on targets and reward yourself for achieving them take real breaks introduce variety tackle the hardest / most uninteresting topics at times when you are most alert

8 8 Exams….. gives you a chance to: –make sense of your learning –illustrates you can apply techniques and your knowledge

9 9 Exam tips 1 reduce stress by knowing: –when / where / time of exam know the exam paper –how many questions you need to answer –how many from different sections –are any compulsory –types of questions e.g. multiple choice –marks for each question –how long you have for each question

10 10 Examples of exam instructions Answer ALL FOUR questions All questions carry equal marks Answer THREE questions, with at least ONE question from each section. All questions carry equal marks. Each question is marked out of 20. Answer FIVE questions from SECTION A and TWO from SECTION B. Both sections carries 50% of marks.

11 11 Exam tips 2 for each question: –read carefully a couple of times –highlight keywords / actions required –write a plan –arrange points logically & have conclusion –write your answer –review –stick to time you have allocated for each question

12 12 Exam tips 3 write clearly & legibly listen to instructions read paper carefully decide what order you are going to do the questions in do not write everything you know about a topic – be selective keep calm

13 13 After the exam avoid post mortems do reflect on: –did you revise efficiently –what if anything would you do differently –were you clear about the exam procedure –did you run out of time?

14 14 In summary exams are important as: –they illustrate your knowledge –allow you to be assessed revision is vital –so you are not stressed on the day –needs to be ongoing active learning

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