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Eva Vonck Moving Age Conference, Gent, 30/04 – 02/05.

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Presentation on theme: "Eva Vonck Moving Age Conference, Gent, 30/04 – 02/05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eva Vonck Moving Age Conference, Gent, 30/04 – 02/05

2 Education of Volunteers



5 EQF 6 4/5 4

6 2 specific Initiators: -Dancing for older people -Gymnastics for older people Every qualified Initiator can take a supplementary course ‘Coaching older people in sport and physical activity’

7 2 specific Initiators: - Dancing for older people (48h) - Gymnastics for older people (48h) Every qualified Initiator can take a supplementary course ‘Coaching older people in sport and physical activity’ (6h) Module 1 (15h): How to teach + Injury Prevention + First Aid Module 2 (6h): Coaching older people in sport and PA Module 3 (27h): -Basics of music and rhythme + How to teach the basics of line dancing, chair dancing, … -How to teach the basics of gymnastics, gym on music, gym with specific materials, … -Characteristics of older people, influence of the ageing body on PA -Practical guidelines for the organisation of PA for older people Renewed in 2016: Internship

8 Competences Research: ◦ Communication ◦ Prevention en firts aid ◦ Didactical and methodical planning ◦ Cooperation in a team ◦ Follow up evolutions ◦ Dealing with older people ◦ Feedback ◦ Individualise ◦ Problem solving ◦ Motivate Knowledge and Skills Correlates with EQF level 4

9 New in 2016: Develop a new movement oriented course for coaching older people in PA Not yet correlated with EQF

10 +/- 10 lectors 1 Expert group for coaches of older peoples +/- 0,5 VTE

11 1x every year3x every year

12  Participants: ◦ Mostly volunteers from sportclubs ◦ Different ages (in general participants FCS are mostly between 17 and 25 of age)

13 More information:

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