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Steven Anlage, Michael Fuhrer ONR AppEl Review 26 August, 2010

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1 Nanoscale Electrodynamics Measurements with Radical New Forms of Microwave Microscopy
Steven Anlage, Michael Fuhrer ONR AppEl Review 26 August, 2010 Work funded by ONR and DOE

2 UMD Microwave Microscopy Group
Faculty: Steven Anlage Michael Fuhrer Graduate Student Tamin Tai Undergraduate Students John Abrahams Post-Doc Behnood Ghamsari Collaborators: Alexander Zhuravel, Kharkov, Ukraine Alexey Ustinov, Karlsruhe Inst. Tech. Dragos Mircea, Western Digital Vladimir Talanov, Neocera Lance Cooley, FermiLab Gigi Ciovatti, Jefferson Lab Funding: ONR AppEl and DOE

3 All-electric and munitions-free ships require new materials technologies
Superconducting RF cavities for free-electron lasers Superconducting tapes and wires for compact, efficient motors ‘Quantum’ materials with novel properties

4 the materials will be utilized
Motivations The development of new materials with new functionalities depends on establishing structure / property relationships New forms of microscopy help to accelerate the development of these novel materials Development of new Nano-Electromagnetic devices requires understanding of electrodynamics at the nano-scale We are developing two new types of microscopy to establish structure / property relations at high frequency and low temperatures, under conditions where the materials will be utilized Near-Field Microwave Microscopy of Nb for SRF applications Laser Scanning Microscopy of superconductors and novel electronic materials

5 Localized Defects on Nb SRF Cavities
These defects can lead to hot spots on accelerator cavity within operating frequency region (1-2 GHz) However, many defects are benign. How to distinguish the ‘good’ ones from the ‘bad’ ones? Grain Boundaries welds, oxidation,hydrogen poisoning welds, oxidation,hydrogen poisoning 500 x 200 mm pit T. Bieler Mich. State Univ.

6 APPROACH GOAL: To establish links between microscopic defects and
the ultimate RF performance of Nb at cryogenic temperatures Near-Field Microwave Microscopy* APPROACH: 1) Stimulate Nb with a concentrated and intense RF magnetic field Drive the material into nonlinearity (nonlinear Meissner effect) Why the NLME? It is very sensitive to defects… Measure the characteristic field scale for nonlinearity: JNL 4) Map out JNL(x,y) → relate to previously-characterized defects *S. M. Anlage, V. Talanov, A. Schwartz, "Principles of Near-Field Microwave Microscopy," in Scanning Probe Microscopy: Vol. 1, edited by S. V. Kalinin and A. Gruverman (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2007), pages

7 Nonlinear Near-Field Microscopy of Superconductors
P3f : NLME Nonlinearities Pinput sample surface coaxial probe K(x,y) loop Superconductor Current distribution geometry factor Induce high m0K ~ 200 mT (Hc of Nb) K(x,y) sharply peaked in space ► Better spatial resolution D. Mircea, S. Anlage, Phys. Rev. B 80, (2009) + references therein

8 What do We Learn About the Superconductor?
P3f(x) JNL(x) Position x Defect 1 Defect 2 on YBCO Measured at T=60 K (below Tc of YBCO) Phys. Rev. B 72, (2005)

9 Magnetic recording heads provide strong and localized BRF
How to Generate Strong RF Magnetic Fields? Magnetic Write Head Magnetic recording heads provide strong and localized BRF Permalloy shields ~2 m Cu coils Read Sensor Write Pole RF Magnetic Fields Air bearing surface 2 mm Side View SEM picture of the magnetic write head gap Permalloy Bottom View BRF ~ 1 Tesla (in gap) Gap Lateral size ~ 100 nm x few-100 nm Reference: IEEE Trans Magn. Vol . 37, No. 2 pp

10 Experimental Setup We need higher BRF and strongly localized field distributions Goals: BRF ~ 200 mT Lateral size ~ 100 nm RF Coil on slider Superconductor Probe Head Gimbal Assembly (HGA)

11 Measurements on Superconductors At a fixed location on MgB2 film
Excited power: 12 dBm; Excited frequency: 3.75GHz Noise floor MgB2 Film (25nm)/SiC A peak in P3f(T) near the Tc of MgB2 is found. No other P3f peak is found below Tc. It implies there is no defect near this measurement point. Samples come from Prof. Xiao-Xing Xi Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

12 Measurements on Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 Film
At a fixed location Excited power: dBm Excited frequency: 3.75 GHz Tc Vortex or defects/ grain boundary contribution Noise floor

13 Challenges for Measurements on Nb bulk materials
Top surface of bulk Nb (thickness: 0.1 inch) Head Gimbal Assembly (HGA) Pit on Nb Copper cold plate Probes may cause localized heating of Nb samples. Temperature of cold plate reaches 4.2K but Nb surface remains warmer. (Next step: thermal grounding of probe and positioner) Magnetic write head probe is still too far away from the superconductor surface. (Next step: nm-level positioning control)

14 Photolithography Result (thanks to Dr. Cihan Kurter)
Current Work---Micro Loop Design Simulation Data from HFSS (Gregory Ruchti ) Photolithography Result (thanks to Dr. Cihan Kurter) Micro loop design can enhance the current geometry factor G and increase our spatial resolution.

15 Laser Scanning Microscopy: Principle of the measurement
resonator transmission modulated laser laser OFF |S21(f0)|2 Pout laser ON Pin |S21(f0)|2 f f0 co-planar resonator f0 ~ 5.2 GHz D|S12|2 ~ [l JRF(x,y)]2 A dl Local heating produces a change in transmission coefficient proportional to the local value of JRF2 J. C. Culbertson, et al. J.Appl.Phys. 84, 2768 NRL A. P. Zhuravel, et al., Appl.Phys.Lett. 81, 4979 (2002)

16 Typical Spatial Profile of RF Photoresponse
Along a Lateral Cross Section of the Resonator Strip YBCO/LaAlO3 CPW Resonator 1 x 8 mm scan T = 79 K P = - 10 dBm f = GHz fmod = 99.9 kHz P1 = in-plane rotated grain P2 = crack in YBCO film P3 = LAO twin domain blocks Wstrip = 500 mm

17 Imaging of a YBa2Cu3O7 / LaAlO3 Resonator Room Temp. Thermoelectric PR
Optical reflectivity DC Photoresponse “PR” = Photo-response Room Temp. Thermoelectric PR Low-T RF PR A. Zhuravel, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 108, (2010)

18 Corner “A2” Detail of YBCO / LAO Resonator
Optical Reflectivity RF PR A. Zhuravel, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 108, (2010) 25 mm

19 JLab Microscope: built inside a Nb SRF cavity
Laser Scanning UMD LSM in Karlsruhe, Germany UMD Microscope: configured for bulk superconductors, closed cycle refrigerator JLab Microscope: built inside a Nb SRF cavity

20 RF Defect Imaging in bulk Nb
Current and Future Work Complete the UMD Laser Scanning Microscope Closed cycle refrigerator for week-long runs Ukraine collaborator (Zhuravel) visits to commission the microscope Preliminary results from Karlsruhe collaboration RF Defect Imaging in bulk Nb

21 Nb Cavity Laser Scanning Microscope at Jefferson Lab
Collaborative Work on Nb Cavity Laser Scanning Microscope at Jefferson Lab Built by G. Ciovatti and P. JLab

22 Nano Materials Diodes rectify for frequencies up to 40 GHz
Growth of aligned carbon nanotubes Wiring of carbon nanotubes Pt 3 CNTs Enrique Cobas, M. Fuhrer Cr CNT Schottky diodes E. Cobas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, (2008) Diodes rectify for frequencies up to 40 GHz Estimates: fcutoff ~ 100’s of GHz in some devices

23 High Resolution Microwave Microscopy
Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)- Assisted Microwave Microscopy Atif Imtiaz, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, (2007) Atif Imtiaz, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 97,   (2005) STM Topography (constant current) Cx Rx Simple circuit model of probe-sample interaction

24 Experiments Prepare nanotubes suspended over a trench A100 mm-long
CNT should resonate at 10 GHz Excite resonance with microwave microscope or in a CPW geometry Luttinger liquid physics

25 Electron-Hole Puddles in Graphene 2 mm x 3 mm, 0.3 K
Intrinsic Inhomogeneity in Correlated-Electron Materials Electron-Hole Puddles in Graphene Scanning SET microscopy 2 mm x 3 mm, 0.3 K J. Martin, Nature Physics (2008) Electron nematic phase in Co-Fe-As Chuang, Science (2010)

26 Conclusions Near-Field Microwave Microscopy
A magnetic write head, which can generate strong RF fields on sub-mm length scales, is successfully integrated into the near field microwave microscope operating at cryogenic temperatures. A clear reproducible nonlinear response signal from TBCCO and MgB2 are obtain by this magnetic write head probe. Further improvements will enable SRF defect microscopy on bulk Nb surfaces. Laser Scanning Microscopy The LSM gives unique insights into structure / property relations at ~ mm length scales Preliminary data on bulk Nb resonators is encouraging Microscopy-related ongoing research efforts: Purely evanescent probe: Time-reversed microscopy to eliminate far-field radiation, S. M. Anlage, et al., Acta Physica Polonica A 112, 569 (2007) Use of Metamaterials to enhance evanescent waves and resolution, M. Ricci, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, (2006)

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