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{ Doublespeak Politics and Beyond.   Language intended to distort or obscure its actual meaning.   We may see euphemisms, ambiguity or generalizations.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Doublespeak Politics and Beyond.   Language intended to distort or obscure its actual meaning.   We may see euphemisms, ambiguity or generalizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Doublespeak Politics and Beyond

2   Language intended to distort or obscure its actual meaning.   We may see euphemisms, ambiguity or generalizations. These are INTENTIONAL. Doublespeak

3   "Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.“- Politics and the English Language   Orwell created double speak in 1984. Thanks to George Orwell

4   pretends to communicate but doesn't   makes the bad seem good   the negative seem positive   the unpleasant seem unattractive…or at least tolerable   avoids, shifts or denies responsibility   at variance with its real or purported meaning   conceals or prevents thought Why Use Doublespeak?

5  “Would you care to check your bags at the door for your convenience?”  “I recently purchased a pr-eowned car.”  Our new shirts contain, “intelligent ventilation points.” Yes, you’ve been duped!

6  Bank of American recently reported an increase in non-preforming assets. Allow for lies…

7   "I reminded [the soldiers] and their families that the war in Iraq is really about peace.“ – April 2003 George W. Bush told the nation…

8   "I have appointed a Secretary of Semantics--a most important post. He is to furnish me with forty to fifty dollar words. Tell me how to say yes and no in the same sentence without a contradiction. He is to tell me the combination of words that will put me against inflation in San Francisco and for it in New York. He is to show me how to keep silent--and say everything. You can very well see how he can save me an immense amount of worry.“ – December 1947 Wise Words From Truman

9   Semantic = Relating to meaning in language or logic.   Newspeak = Ambiguous euphemistic language used chiefly in political propaganda.   Doublethink = Thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods, especially when used as a technique of self-indoctrination. To Get a Bit More Specific

10 Can You Think of Phrases You Have Recently Heard That Qualify As Doublespeak?

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