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Chapter 12 By: Cole, Symone and Mel. 12.1 : DNA Grffith’s Experiment & Transformation Transformation is the process when the heat-killed bacteria had.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 By: Cole, Symone and Mel. 12.1 : DNA Grffith’s Experiment & Transformation Transformation is the process when the heat-killed bacteria had."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 By: Cole, Symone and Mel

2 12.1 : DNA Grffith’s Experiment & Transformation Transformation is the process when the heat-killed bacteria had passed their disease-causing ability to the harmless strain Disease-causing bacteria = Dead Mouse Harmless bacteria = Lives Heat-killed Disease causing bacteria = Lives BUT when you mix heat killed with harmless = Dies Of Pnuemonia

3 Avery & DNA Avery and other scientists discovered that the nucleic acid DNA stores and transmits the genetic information from one generation of an organism to the next Bacteriophage- its a kind of virus that infects bacteria. To infect a bacteria the virus attaches to the cell and injects its genetic information. Hershey & Chase did an experiment with viruses and radioactive markers. They concluded that the genetic material of the bacteriophage was DNA, not protein.

4 The Components & Structure of DNA DNA is a long molecule made up of units called nucleotides

5 Summary Of Scientists Griffith: Transformation Avery: Determines that genes are composed of DNA Franklin: studied DNA molecule by using X-Ray Diffraction Watson & Crick: double helix structure of DNA Brenner: Discover messenger RNA Gilbert: methods to read the DNA sequence Human Genome Project: completed attempt to sequence all human DNA

6 12.2 : Chromosomes & DNA Replication DNA molecule are located in the cytoplasm Chromatin: DNA and protein in chromosomes Histones: a type of protein Replication: When a cell duplicates its DNA During replication, the DNA splits into two strands, and then produces two new strands, which serves as a template. DNA polymerase: joins individual nucleotides to produce DNA molecules

7 12.3 : RNA & Protein Synthesis Genes: coded DNA instructions that control the production of proteins in a cell 3 types of RNA: Messenger RNA, Ribosomal RNA, and Transfer RNA Transcription: a process when RNA molecules are produced by copying part of the nulceotide sequence of DNA into a sequence of RNA Promoters: regions that the enzymes bind to

8 12.3... Introns (nucleotide) & Exons (proteins) Codon: consists of 3 consecutive nucleotides, they represent the different amino acids Translation: when the cell uses info from the messenger RNA to produce proteins

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