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Wellness Solutions to Get Started. Wellness Areas to Discuss  Why Wellness?  Why Wellness doesn’t get implemented?  What options do you have?  How.

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Presentation on theme: "Wellness Solutions to Get Started. Wellness Areas to Discuss  Why Wellness?  Why Wellness doesn’t get implemented?  What options do you have?  How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellness Solutions to Get Started

2 Wellness Areas to Discuss  Why Wellness?  Why Wellness doesn’t get implemented?  What options do you have?  How do the two Wellness Partners work?  What do I need to do as the Broker?  Contact Information 2

3 Why Wellness? Benefits include:  Fewer absences  Reduce Sick Leave by 28%  More “present-teeism”  More focused at work when not plagued by illness  Reductions in other costs, e.g.  Reduce Disability Costs by 34%  Reduce Workers Comp Costs by 34% 3 If employees are healthier, they perform at a higher level

4 Wellness 4 You now have some options Most Employers want to offer wellness programs But limited resources to effectively implement - Lack expertise - Too many other priorities

5 Wellness Wellness Options Wellness Challenges a.k.a. Account Management Core Wellness Platform Customized Wellness Program 5 For those who want to walk For those who can run For those who prefer to sprint

6 6 The Wellness Offering - 3 Key Deliverable Levels * Additional costs may apply 1 1 2 2 3 3

7 Wellness Wellness Options Wellness Challenges a.k.a. Account Management Core Wellness Platform Customized Wellness Program 7 Wellness Partners 1 1 2 2 3 3

8 8 Proven Approach Employee education and engagement Behavior modification Employer not bogged down with implementation Launch Your Health Fall Wellness Calendar Launch Personal Coaching is headquartered in Redondo Beach, California

9 9 Integrated HRA/Biometric Screening Outcomes/Results Based Reporting SimplyWell is headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska

10 Wellness – Partner Costs by Program Wellness Challenges a.k.a. Account Management Core Wellness Platform Customized Wellness Program 10 $6,500 $1,000 $4,500 $ 7,500 $10,500 $ 2,500 +EEs 75 +EEs 75 1 1 2 2 3 3 $500 These costs higher as include biometric screening+ $1,000 for Two or $500 for One Challenge

11 11 What does this look like based on a few group sizes? $1,000* $4,500* Wellness Challenge(s) Core Wellness Platform Customized Program 50 75 100 125 150 $20 $90 $130 $13 $60 $ 87 $10 $45 $ 65 $ 8 $36 $ 52 $ 7 $30 $ 43 Per person rates for each program Group $6,500* +EEs 75 +EEs 75 *Any incentives would be above these costs. Add $300 - 500 per Challenge and $50 - $75 per person for an ongoing Wellness program *Any incentives would be above these costs. Add $300 - 500 per Challenge and $50 - $75 per person for an ongoing Wellness program

12 Why Wellness? - Employee ROI $ Wellness – ROI $  Wellness programs can result in real cost savings even thought they don’t reduce your health benefits premiums  Reduce Sick Leave by 28%  Reduce Disability Costs by 34%  Reduce Workers Comp Costs by 34% And, you and your employees will feel better

13 To Get a Wellness Program Started  Consider the following action(s): Fall - Flu Shot program ($25-$30 per employee, for onsite) Winter /January – Exercise Challenge ($500+ with Launch Personal Coaching) Spring/April – Weight Loss Challenge ($500+ with Launch Personal Coaching) 10 Weight Loss Challenge Flu Shots 1 st Quarter 4 th Quarter 3 rd Quarter 2 nd Quarter Exercise Challenge  Contact a Wellness Partner – see following pages + - Additional costs may apply, e.g. if group is larger than 100. Any incentives would be above these costs, i.e. add $100 - $500 per challenge.

14 Wellness 15 Contact Information Michelle Croasdale 888-752-8624 ext. 501 (310) 650-9986 Redondo Beach, California Launch Personal Coaching Wellness Program Launch Personal Coaching Fee structure Wellness Challenge(s) $ 500 - $1,000 flat fee Core Wellness Program $ 3,500 - $4,500/year Customized Wellness Program $ 6,500+/year

15 Wellness 16 Contact Information Jennifer Graber Office: (402) 559 - 6769 Cell (402) 871-7508 Omaha, Nebraska SimplyWell Wellness Program SimplyWell Fee structure Wellness Challenge $2,500 flat fee Core Wellness Program $ 99/person/year Customized Wellness Program $140/person/year

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