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Material Status-Nineteenth Century StatusPossessionsAmbitionOpportunityColor Middle-classmasculineHaveWant Can get White Aristocrat, scholar, minister.

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Presentation on theme: "Material Status-Nineteenth Century StatusPossessionsAmbitionOpportunityColor Middle-classmasculineHaveWant Can get White Aristocrat, scholar, minister."— Presentation transcript:


2 Material Status-Nineteenth Century StatusPossessionsAmbitionOpportunityColor Middle-classmasculineHaveWant Can get White Aristocrat, scholar, minister Have Do not want Can get White FeminineHave Do not want Cannot get White Lower-class Do not have Want Can get Off-white Poor-white- trash Do not have Do not want Can get Off-white Slave Do not have Want/do not Cannot get Black

3 Blackface minstrelsy ► European immigrants mocked African- American class pretensions by imitating slaves on stage ► These minstrel plays allowed immigrant to learn “white” behavior by mocking and rejecting the other (“black”).


5 ► OLE ZIP COON G.W. Dixon - ca. 1835 Fiddlin' Doc Roberts ► (3x) O ole Zip Coon he is a larned skoler, ► Sings posum up a gum tree an conny in a holler. ► (3x) Posum up a gum tree, coonny on a stump, ► Den over dubble trubble, Zip coon will jump. ► Chorus: O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day. ► O Zip a duden duden duden duden duden day. O Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day. Zip a duden duden duden zip a duden day.

6 ► O ist old Suky blue skin, she is in lub wid me ► I went the udder arter noon to take a dish ob tea; ► What do you tink now, Suky hab for supper, ► Why chicken foot an posum heel, widout any butter. ► Chorus: Did you eber see the wild goose, sailing on de ocean, ► O de wild goose motion is a berry pretty notion; ► Ebry time de wild goose, beckens to de swaller, ► You hear him google google google google gollar.

7 ► Chorus: I went down to Sandy Hollar t other arternoon ► And the first man I chanced to meet war ole Zip Coon; ► Ole Zip Coon he is a natty scholar, ► For he plays upon de Banjo “Cooney in de hollar”. ► Chorus: My old Missus she’s mad wid me, ► Kase I would’nt go wid her into Tennessee ► Massa build him barn and put in de fodder ► Twas dis ting and dat ting one ting or odder.

8 The Virginia Minstrels are generally credited with putting on the first minstrel show, lining up four actor/musicians in a row, with "Bones" at one end and "Tambo" at the other. They first appeared on stage with this act in 1842. This group was an early imitator; the sheet music is dated 1844. It was common in pictures to show minstrels in both their "whiteface" and "blackface" identities.

9 ► ► /TurkeyInTheStraw.mp3 /TurkeyInTheStraw.mp3 /TurkeyInTheStraw.mp3 ► ediaplayer.asp?ean=084418222025&disc=1 &track=5 ediaplayer.asp?ean=084418222025&disc=1 &track=5 ediaplayer.asp?ean=084418222025&disc=1 &track=5 ► myEsY myEsY myEsY


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