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Antenatal (Prenatal) Screening Higher Human Biology Unit 2 – Human Physiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Antenatal (Prenatal) Screening Higher Human Biology Unit 2 – Human Physiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antenatal (Prenatal) Screening Higher Human Biology Unit 2 – Human Physiology

2 Ante- and postnatal screening antenatal (prenatal) - before birth postnatal - after birth

3 Blood pressure is checked Blood type identified Blood and urine tests carried out Ultrasound imaging (Scans)

4 Biochemical Tests Tests which measure the concentration of a substance in the body by analysing blood or urine samples. i.e. the presence of HCG in the blood or urine after implantation is the basis of early pregnancy tests.

5 Chemical Markers At 16 - 18 weeks women are offered a series of biochemical tests that check for 3 markers. AFP (alpha-foetoprotein) HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) Estriol

6 Biochemical tests can also indicate the health of the mother. i.e. pre-eclampsia


8 False Positive; o If a marker was measured at an inappropriate time and found to be high it may be thought that the foetus has a condition that it does not. False Negative; o When the outcome of an investigative procedure shows a negative outcome when actually the person does have the condition.

9 Applying your knowledge books o Page 34 Q1, 2.

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