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Charles C. Baker Deputy US ITER Planning Officer presented at the Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium Washington, DC 19-21 November, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Charles C. Baker Deputy US ITER Planning Officer presented at the Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium Washington, DC 19-21 November, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles C. Baker Deputy US ITER Planning Officer presented at the Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting and Symposium Washington, DC 19-21 November, 2003 U.S. Technology Interests in ITER Principal Information Sources - - ITER Technology R&D, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.55, July 2001 - Summary of the ITER Final Design Report, July 2001

2 Fig. 1 Cutaway of ITER R. Aymar/ Fusion Engineering and Design 55 (2001)

3 T. Mizoguchi/Fusion Engineering and Design 55 (2001) Fig. 1 Central solenoid model coil (CSMC) configuration (above) and fabricated modules (below) during assembly at JAERI, Naka (JA). Another TF insert coil is fabricated by Russia and tested at JAERI.

4 H. Tsuji et al. /Fusion Engineering and Design 55 (2001) Fig. 2 Fabrication flow of CS model coil and CS insert coil.

5 T. Mizoguchi/Fusion Engineering and Design 55 (2001) Fig. 10 Integrated inner divertor cassette (above left) at Sandia (US), integrated outer divertor cassette (below) at EFET (EU) and high heat flux testing of divertor target by ion beam (above right) at JAERI, Naka (JA).

6 T. Mizoguchi/Fusion Engineering and Design 55 (2001) Fig. 6 Demonstration of remote welding (US).



9 RF Technology Highlight: The JET-EP ICRF Antenna and the High Power Prototype (HPP)

10 ECH Highlight: 1.5 MW, 110 GHz Gyrotron Development

11 Plasma Fueling Highlights: 1. Massive Gas Puff for Disruption Mitigation - Mainline Tokamaks 2. Pellet injector in a Suitcase - Alternative Confinement Devices 3. Pellet fuelling - H-mode fuelling

12 ITER provides Unique Technical Challenges for Diagnostics Measurement requirements demand performance capability for present-day machines + alpha-particle measurement, + operation in radiation environment, presence of blankets, + reliability, calibration maintenance, + control data for machine protection. Significant engineering design issues. 2m high x 1.8m wide x 3.5m long Weight 66 tonne Side and bottom 130mm thick Front & port flange 200mm Equatorial port-plug concept Port-plug with penetrations for Thomson scattering, interferometry, etc. Designs by C. Walker (JCT)

13 Construction Schedule 7 year construction 1 year integrated commissioning ITER Legal Entity established about 2 years before award of construction license Long lead item calls for tender sent out and procurement started before license awarded Success-oriented schedule: First plasma in 2013

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