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MSD Total Supplier Performance and Inventory Control

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Presentation on theme: "MSD Total Supplier Performance and Inventory Control"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD Total Supplier Performance and Inventory Control
Keleigh Bicknell, William Darlington, Alex Resnick, Brian Woodard Keleigh

2 Overview Problem Definition Systems Design Going Forward
Problem Statement Customer Requirements & Engineering Metrics Systems Design Benchmarking Functional Decomposition Morphological Chart Concept Development & Selection System Architecture Feasibility High Level Process Map Risk Analysis Going Forward Keleigh

3 Problem Definition

4 Problem Statement Keleigh

5 Customer Requirements

6 Engineering Metrics Keleigh

7 Systems Design

8 Benchmarking Keleigh

9 Purchasing Functional Decomposition
Top Level Functions Purchasing Functional Decomposition Billy

10 Inventory Functional Decomposition

11 Purchasing Functional Decomposition

12 System Architecture Alex

13 Morphological Chart Keleigh

14 Concept Development Five design concepts were generated through use of the morphological chart. The concept development matrix highlights the primary functions of the system and the design option for each concept displayed on the left. Keleigh

15 Concept Selection Keleigh

16 Feasibility: Purchasing - Web Based Form

17 Feasibility: Purchasing - Adding a Vendor
1 3 2 Alex

18 Feasibility: Purchasing - Active Request Tracking

19 Feasibility: Purchasing Support Tool

20 Purchasing Process Map

21 Feasibility: Tool Loan Out
3 1 2 Brian

22 Tool Loan Out Process Map

23 Feasibility: Scheduling
2 1 3 Alex

24 Scheduling Process Map

25 Going Forward

26 Project Plan Billy

27 Risks Coding becomes overly complicated
Prevent by properly benchmarking and following best practices Student injury while unsupervised Removed from scope, risk has been prevented Card Swipe vs Barcode Reduce failure rate by researching options Billy

28 Immediate Plan Test prototypes with MSD Staff and Students
Perform time studies on current process Begin database creation Research SKU rationalization Request Web Space on either or (Christine) Keleigh

29 Questions?

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