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Presentation on theme: "CINNAMINSON TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2012 TEST SCORE PRESENTATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 3 – MATH Percentage of Total Population Passing ** Test was redesigned for 2009 administration

3 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 3 – LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of Total Population Passing ** Test was redesigned for 2009 administration

4 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 4 – MATH Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2009 administration

5 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 4 – LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2009 administration

6 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 5 – MATH Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

7 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 5 – LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

8 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 6 – MATH Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

9 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 6 – LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

10 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 7– MATH Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

11 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 7 – LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

12 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 8– MATH Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

13 5 YEAR TREND: NJ ASK 8 – LANGUAGE ARTS Percentage of Total Population Passing **Test was redesigned for 2008 administration

14 HSPA – 5 YEAR TREND (2008 – 2012) MATH Based on Total Population Scoring Proficient and Advanced Proficient for First Time Test Takers

15 HSPA – 5 YEAR TREND (2008 – 2012) LANGUAGE ARTS Based on Total Population Scoring Proficient and Advanced Proficient for First Time Test Takers

16 ASK 3 – 5 COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE 2011 AND 2010 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient ASK 6-8 MATH COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE: 2012 AND 2011 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient

17 ASK 6-8 LANGUAGE ARTS COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE: 2012 AND 2011 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient

18 ASK 3 – 5 COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE 2011 AND 2010 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient ASK 3-5 MATH COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE: 2012 AND 2011 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient

19 ASK 3 – 5 COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE 2011 AND 2010 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient ASK 3-5 LANGUAGE ARTS COMPARISON TO DFG AND STATE: 2012 AND 2011 Percentage of total population scoring proficient and advanced proficient

20 34567811 Sp Ed 2012 # students 74.2 31 73.3 30 76.7 33 50.0 35 19.2 26 34.6 30 51.3 41 Sp Ed 2011 # students 66.7 33 67.9 32 69.0 32 42.3 26 18.5 29 33.3 31 40.9 Econ Dis 2012 # students 65.7 35 75.0 20 73.3 15 40.0 21 42.9 21 75.0 17 N/A Econ Dis 2011 # students 93.0 14 50.0 12 68.8 17 54.5 22 61.1 18 50.0 22 N/A African American 2012 # students 61.5 13 73.3 15 57.1 15 23.8 21 83.3 18 N/A African American 2011 # students 66.7 13 56.2 16 92.3 14 42.9 21 57.9 19 35.7 14 N/A 2011 – STATE TESTING: MATH 2012 to 2011 Comparison Percentage of Sub-group Populations Scoring Proficient and Advanced Proficient

21 Grade 34567811 Sp Ed 2012 # students 41.9 31 46.7 30 33.3 33 36.7 35 19.2 26 65.4 30 82.5 41 Sp Ed 2011 # students 40.0 33 28.6 32 44.8 32 26.9 26 44.4 29 60.0 31 81.8 47 Econ Dis 2012 # students 45.7 35 60.0 20 46.7 15 35.0 21 57.1 21 93.7 17 N/A Econ Dis 2011 # students 57.1 14 33.3 12 43.8 17 63.6 22 55.6 18 72.7 22 N/A African American 2012 # students 53.8 13 40.0 15 50.0 15 57.1 21 100.0 18 N/A African American 2011 # students 46.2 13 31.2 16 53.8 14 52.4 21 78.9 19 50.0 14 N/A STATE TESTING: LANGUAGE ARTS 2012 to 2011 Comparison Percentage of Sub-group Populations Scoring Proficient and Advanced Proficient







28 Burlington County Graduation Rates SCHOOL20112012% change Bordentown Regional91.10%93.44%2.34% Burlington City85.90%76.36%-9.54% B.C.I.T- Westhampton93.60%94.32%0.72% B.C.I.T- Medford94.30%92.49%-1.81% Burlington Township95.10%92.51%-2.59% Cherokee97.40%96.44%-0.96% CINNAMINSON92.20%96.68%4.48% Delran93.40%88.19%-5.21% Florence83.60%86.92%3.32% Lenape95.80%94.15%-1.65% Maple Shade89.40%90.64%1.24% Moorestown95.60%95.64%0.04% Northern Burlington93.40%92.98%-0.42% Palmyra83.80%86.05%2.25% Pemberton Township85.30%83.67%-1.63% Rancocas Valley89.60%88.89%-0.71% Riverside87.00%87.50%0.50% Seneca96.10%94.63%-1.47% Shawnee98.10%95.75%-2.35% Willingboro69.80%62.83%-6.97% Source: NJ Department of Education

29 SAT 5 YEAR TREND: Year Number of students DIST TOTAL VERBAL STATE TOTAL VERBAL NATL TOTAL VERBAL DIST TOTAL MATH STATE TOTAL MATH NATL TOTAL MATH DIST TOTAL WRITING STATE TOTAL WRITING NATL TOTAL WRITING 2008 212 515495502527513515527496494 2009 218 509496501518513515510493 2010 239 510495501513514516499497492 2011 186 492495497502516514484497489 2012 201 513495496523517514510499488


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