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Muon Cooling Channel Superconducting Magnet Systems Muon Collider Task Force Meeting on July 31, 2006 V.S. Kashikhin.

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Presentation on theme: "Muon Cooling Channel Superconducting Magnet Systems Muon Collider Task Force Meeting on July 31, 2006 V.S. Kashikhin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muon Cooling Channel Superconducting Magnet Systems Muon Collider Task Force Meeting on July 31, 2006 V.S. Kashikhin

2 Muon Cooling Channel Design
K. Yonehara - Muon Beam Cooling Simulations V.V. Kashikhin - Helix Dipole + Solenoid V.S. Kashikhin - Helix Solenoid I. Novitski - Mechanical Design M. Kuchler - Cryostat conceptual design A. Zlobin - Quench protection N. Andreev - Design and manufacturing issues

3 Magnet System Parameters
Magnet system length, m 4 - 6 Bore diameter, m 1.0 Radius of muon reference orbit, m 0.255 Solenoidal field, T (z in meters) Bz = *z Helical dipole field, T Bd = – 0.123*z Helical quadrupole gradient, T/m G = – *z Helical pitch Pitch angle, radians 0.781 Helical periods for dipole and quadrupole, m Maximum solenoidal field at z = Tesla Minimum solenoidal field at z = 4 m Tesla Two magnet system versions under consideration: Large Bore Solenoid + Helical Dipole + Helical Quadrupole Helix Solenoid + Correction Coils July 31, 2006

4 Superconducting Solenoid
LHC Cables parameters: Inner cable 14 kA at 7 T & 4.2 K Outer cable 8.5 kA at 7 T & 4.2 K LHC short samples: Jc = 2750 A/mm2 at 5 T & 4.2 K LHC cables leftover: Inner cable m Outer cable m Solenoid has 8-12 sections wound separately on identical bobbins All sections connected in series Ferromagnetic end plates improve ends field quality Holes in end plates provide path for muon beam inlet and outlet Needed coil mechanical stability provided by SS or Al bandage Total solenoid ampere-turns 12 MA Current 10 kA Number of turns 1200 First section Lorentz force Fr, N 14 MN Support SS ring thickness at 200 Mpa, mm 22 Superconducting cable length 3960 m July 31, 2006

5 Solenoid Magnetic Field
Flux lines of solenoidal field Specified linear solenoidal field decay along Z axis provided by proper chosen number of turns for each section: W1= W5 = 136 W2 = W6 = 126 W3 = W7 = 114 W4 = W8 = 114 July 31, 2006 Solenoid flux density distribution, Bmax = 5 Tesla

6 Helical Dipole, Quadrupole, Sextupole
Shell type Helix Coils have length 1,2,3 and 4 meters and wound one after other. They will be epoxy impregnated together. Support cylinder will provide mechanical stability. Because of relatively low field decay 1 m long sections will be enough for proper field approximation. Parameter Dipole Quadrupole Maximum field strength 0.95 T 0.6 T/m Minimum field strength 0.454 T 0.4 T/m Coil Ampere-turns/pole 862 kA 78.5 kA Coil Lorentz force Fx 208 kN/m 2.4 kN/m Coil Lorentz force Fy -289 kN/m -6.2 kN/m Energy of magnetic field 752 kJ/m 133 kJ/m Coil inner radius 0.55 m 0.57 m Superconductor max field 1.81 T 0.33 T Helical period 2.0 m Separate short sections length 1.0 m July 31, 2006

7 Helical Dipole + Solenoid
Red – Sectional Large Bore Solenoid Blue –Helical Dipole, several shell type dipoles with different length for field decay July 31, 2006

8 Helical Dipole+Solenoid
Solenoid maximum field 7.2 Tesla Inner bore diameter 1 meter Number of solenoid sections - 12 Number of dipole sections - 4 July 31, 2006

9 Helical Dipole + Solenoid
Only first sections in high field area Half solenoid has less than 4 Tesla field July 31, 2006

10 Helical Dipole + Solenoid
Good agreement with analytical field used by K.Yonehara for beam cooling simulation July 31, 2006

11 Helical Solenoid Helical Solenoid: Small bore diameter 0.5 m
Helix period 1.6 m Number of coils 73 Coil width 50 mm Outer helix diameter 1 m Max coil current 201 kA July 31, 2006

12 Helical Solenoid Fields
Field at radius 0.49 m Field at center orbit radius m Max field 4.3 T July 31, 2006

13 Helical Solenoid Fields
Field at m radius with helix period 1.6 m July 31, 2006

14 Helical Solenoid Quadrupole Field
Period 1.6 m, G=-0.83 T/m, dG/dz=-0.11 (T/m)/m Helix Solenoid Gradient Period 1.4 m, G=-1.0 T/m K. Yonehara, AD Meeting July 27, 2006 Kappa = 0.8, Helix period = 2 m, G = T/m Kappa = 1.0, Helix period = 1.6 m, G=-0.83 T/m Kappa = 1.15, Helix period = 1.4 m, G=-1.0 T/m Specified dG/dz = -0.1 T/m July 31, 2006

15 Summary Both superconducting magnet systems are feasible
Short sections approach is a reasonable way of system manufacturing Beam inlet and outlet matching areas should be investigated Values of operating currents and current leads number should be optimized Superconducting test of separate sections is an economic way to control whole system performance and reduces the risk Labor of helical coils fabrication is relatively large. Configuration and number of coil sections should be optimized Mechanical structure should be capable to withstand large Lorentz forces Magnet cryogenic system should provide effective cooling at K Active quench protection system should be used to protect magnet system July 31, 2006

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