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THE FISHING LINE Let’s Get Acquainted! Join us for coffee in the Fellowship Chapel on Friday, October 11 at 9:15am. I am requesting that every parent that.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FISHING LINE Let’s Get Acquainted! Join us for coffee in the Fellowship Chapel on Friday, October 11 at 9:15am. I am requesting that every parent that."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FISHING LINE Let’s Get Acquainted! Join us for coffee in the Fellowship Chapel on Friday, October 11 at 9:15am. I am requesting that every parent that signed up to be a VIP parent to please attend this meeting. We will discuss Room Parent responsibilities, the Scholastic Book Fair coming up in November, and the Spring Fling Carnival Fundraiser that will be held on Sunday, March 2 nd from 3-7pm. Florence Tang has graciously agreed to work as a Co-chair for this event. She will be there to give you more information. We need many parent volunteers to make this fundraiser successful. This meeting is also a great way to get acquainted with other LFP parents. Come join us for Family Fellowship Game Night at Fishers of Men on Friday, October 18 at 6:30pm. Pizza will be served. Please RSVP for babysitting at Did you know playing games helps to develop math, reading and problem solving skills? Even something as simple as moving a token down the path of a board game will increase a child’s ability to count, add, and subtract. Family game night is a win/win! It is time spent together developing skills that will transfer to other learning. It is time and opportunity to share God’s love with each other! “You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise” (Duet. 11:19) Volume 5 Issue 2 Little Fishers Preschool 2011 Austin Parkway Sugar Land, Texas 77479 WHAT’S COMING UP? October 3 & 4: Spanish Classes start October 8: Ms. Linda’s birthday October 7 & 8: Fire Station #4 visits October 11: “Get Acquainted” Coffee 9:15am October 16: Ms. Lisa’s birthday October 21-November 1: Discovery Toy fundraiser begins October 23: Hearing/Vision Screenings October 23 &24: Wear ORANGE to school October 25: Librarian visits school October 30 & 31: HARVEST/COSTUME PARTIES in class A Monthly Message From The Director 10/1/2013 HARVEST PARTIES are Wednesday, October 30 and Thursday, October 31. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO COME and see the parade of costumes beginning at 9:30 sharp in the gym. We ask that all costumes be fun, NOT SCARY, for our children!! (No Devil, Monster, Witch, or Ghost costume, please) The party sign-up sheet will be posted on your child’s classroom. We will not be doing fall portraits this year due to a decline in our orders these past couple of years. We will have Rodeo and Spring/Graduation portraits made in our second semester. Vision and Hearing Screenings will be Wednesday, October 23 for all 4 year olds that have not had this done by their physician. THIS IS MANDATORY BY THE STATE OF TEXAS. Paperwork needs to be turned in by Tuesday, October 18 if you wish to have your child screened for vision and/or hearing. If we do not have your child’s results from the pediatrician on file, we will have them tested with Pinewood Screening. Spirit Night at Spring Creek Barbeque is Thursday, Nov. 7 from 5pm-9pm. Come for great food and fellowship. The class with the most attendance will receive special awards from Spring Creek. In addition, they like to see a big turnout from the school and the church to know how much to give back to our school. They have been very generous in the past years. REMINDER! Tuition is due by 1 st of each month. A late fee will be assessed if payment is not made by the 5 th. Parents, please remember that TOTS is over at 2:45pm and Soccer Shots is over at 2:35pm. If you are late, a late pickup fee will be charged to your account.

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