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Bell RingerDate: December 8th, 2015 1)Copy down your homework for tomorrow 2) Take out your Bell Ringers for this week 12/7 – 12/11 and answer this question.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell RingerDate: December 8th, 2015 1)Copy down your homework for tomorrow 2) Take out your Bell Ringers for this week 12/7 – 12/11 and answer this question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell RingerDate: December 8th, 2015 1)Copy down your homework for tomorrow 2) Take out your Bell Ringers for this week 12/7 – 12/11 and answer this question. Question: Do you believe two terms (8 years) is a good maximum for Presidents to serve? Why or why not?

2 Review from Yesterday Which two political parties first emerged in the United States?

3 Review from Yesterday What ideas about government did the Federalist Party have?

4 Review from Yesterday What ideas about government did the Democratic Republican Party have?

5 Who wrote this? 1) Elections are coming up, and it’s time for you to decide who is to be trusted with the position of President of the United States of America. It also seems to be a good time to let you know that I’m not going to be one of the ones that you will be choosing from. 2) Please be assured that this has not been an easy decision for me. I have weighed my choice against the duty each person has for their country. Now, don’t get me wrong. I thank you for your trust so far. I just think me quitting is a good idea on all counts. 3) I’ve been president twice now, and I didn’t want to do it either time. I tried to quit the first time, but the country was in trouble and everyone around was begging me to abandon the idea of quitting. 4) I’m glad to report that the state of this nation's affairs are fairly well in order. Things are running smoothly enough right now that I feel no one can complain or disapprove of my determination to retire. 5) I am excited just thinking about my last day in office, but I feel a deep sense of gratitude to my dear country for all the honors it has bestowed upon me. I feel even more gratitude for the confidence that you have all had in me. All I’m going to say is that I did my best to set up the government right, but the more I do this the more I realize how human I am. Retirement calls and I welcome it. I find comfort in knowing that common sense allows me to leave politics, but that my patriotism is not weakened by the choice.

6 In 1796, Washington published a letter to fellow Americans that had a lasting influence. Washington ’ s Farewell Address made major points for the future of our Country. Upon leaving, Washington could take pride in his accomplishments which included : (1) The United States now had a functioning federal government. (2) The economy was improving. (3) Washington had avoided war. (4) The British had been forced the leave all claims and lands to the United States. Still political divisions were growing and challenges remained.

7 Washington’s Farewell Address Directions: 1) Take out a blank sheet of paper 2) Title it Washington’s Farewell Address – E10 3) Set up your paper like so… You will be working in groups analyzing sections of Washington’s Farewell Address to the people and future president’s of the United States. You are to address the following on your paper. Q: What is Washington's advice for…. Future Leaders? The Country's future? Citizens? But first we will look at one part together…

8 Washington’s Farewell Address This new government is dear to you and rightly so, for it is a representation of your real independence, your peace at home and abroad; your safety and your prosperity. In fact it represents that very liberty which you so highly prize. But it's not always going to be this way. Enemies, both internal and external, will make every effort, go through any pain, and use every form of leverage conceivable (often covert or by secret combination) to try and divide this nation or make you lose faith in it. It is of infinite importance that you unify as one nation, indivisible, cherishing a patriotic attachment that is immovable. Preserve your nation, make her your top priority, watch for her preservation with a jealous anxiety. Jump to defend her, even at the first suspicion of foul play. Frown upon any attempt that one portion of the country try to alienate itself from the body, or that, from within, we weaken ourselves from the sacred ties which hold us all together. What is Washington warning about here?

9 Washington’s Farewell Address Directions: With your group, read through, highlight, and decipher his words. Discuss and write down on your paper what Washington trying to tell us. Q: What is Washington's advice for…. Future Leaders? The Country's future? Citizens? Once time runs out, elect 1 group member to share your part.

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