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 Chemical reactions require the input or release of _____________.  ______________ reactions require energy to form new bonds.  ______________ release.

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Presentation on theme: " Chemical reactions require the input or release of _____________.  ______________ reactions require energy to form new bonds.  ______________ release."— Presentation transcript:

1  Chemical reactions require the input or release of _____________.  ______________ reactions require energy to form new bonds.  ______________ release energy when bonds are broken.  _______________ reactions have no net energy requirements. Energy released from decomposition portion helps with synthesis portion.

2 Chemical Reactions  Factors that influence reaction rates: ◦ _________________ of reactants ◦ _________________ of environment ◦ _______________ ______________-the energy required for the reaction to happen. ◦ Some reactions require presence of a ___________.  Special proteins that hold the reactants together so they can interact.  Catalyst is not destroyed, changed, or used up by the reaction.  Reaction speed is increased and activation energy is lowered when catalyst is present.  In the body, a catalyst is called an ________________.

3  ________________ molecules- do not contain hydrocarbon groups (H and C bonded together) and often have ionic bonding. ◦ Water, Salts, Acids and Bases  ________________ molecules- contain hydrocarbon groups and are usually covalently bonded. ◦ Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids  Both types of molecules are essential for life.

4  Water is the universal solvent (dissolves chemicals). ◦ Chemicals added to water are called: _______________________ ◦ The chemical/water mixture is called a: ____________________  ________________ chemicals dissolve well or mix with water.  ________________chemicals do not mix well with water.  Water is an ideal ________________ medium. ◦ Blanketing power allows molecules in water to move around and be cushioned from one another. Many molecules dissolve readily in water  Water has a high heat capacity and a high heat of vaporization. ◦ It is easily able to absorb heat from reactions so that the overall _________________ of solution doesn’t change. ◦ Water needs a high temperature to change from a liquid to gas, so remains a liquid thru wide temperature ranges.  Water is used for ________________ of moving parts of the body.

5  Mineral compounds that have _________ bonds.  Principle form of __________ that enter and are stored in the body.  When salts are added to water they immediately _____________ (divide into separate ions). ◦ Salts in ionic form are called _______________________-substances that have ability to transmit an electrical charge.  Na+, K+, Ca 2 +, Cl-

6  ___________- ionically bonded substances that when added to water freely release hydrogen ions (H+). ◦ Called H donors or proton donors  ___________- ionically bonded substances that when added to water release a hydroxyl ion (OH - ). ◦ Called proton acceptors  H+ and OH- combine to form ____________

7  Acids and Bases are also electrolytes because they can transmit electricity when ionized in water.  Ranges from 1-14.  Lower numbers are the most ___________, higher numbers are more ____________.  pH of ________ is neutral.  pH of blood is: __________.

8  Molecules that contain carbon bound to hydrogen.  Carbon can exist in a variety of forms (chains, rings, branches), so various structures can be built with it as it strives to form bonds with other atoms to become stable.  Divided into 4 groups: ◦ _____________________  Glycogen, Ribose ◦ ____________________  Triglycerides, Phospholipids, Steroids, Prostaglandins ◦ _____________________  Globular, Fibrous ◦ _____________________  DNA, RNA, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

9  Used for energy, storage of energy, and cellular structures. ◦ Starch, table sugar, cellulose ◦ Composed of ___, ___, and ___ (water-containing carbon)  Simple Sugars-____________________. ◦ Glucose and Fructose  ________________- when two monosaccharides are joined together in synthesis reaction.  _________________- combinations of many monosaccharides. ◦ Glycogen and cellulose

10  ________________ = sugar with 6 carbon atoms  ________________ = sugar with 5 carbon atoms  ________________ synthesis is the creation/removal of water during a reaction  ________________ is the breaking down of complex molecules into simpler ones by adding water  ________________- when a macromolecule is formed out of a carbohydrate attached to a protein.

11  Used for ____________ and stored in ______.  4 classes of Lipids: ◦ Neutral fats, phospholipids, steroids, & eicosinoids  Also made of C, H, O (and sometimes P), but their __ content is much lower than the amount in carbs.

12  Also called triglycerides or fats.  Contains three ________ acids and a ___________ molecule. ◦ Fatty acids are chains of carbon atoms with 1 or 2 hydrogen atoms attached ◦ Glycerol is a modified, 3 carbon sugar  ________________ fatty acids- all bonds in the hydrocarbon chain are single bonds.  _________________fatty acids- when there are some double bonds between the carbon atoms.  __________________________- macromolecule composed of proteins and lipids NEUTRAL FATS

13  Have a _______________ backbone like triglycerides  In place of 3 rd fatty acid is a phosphate group (PO 4 ) attached to a nitrogen containing compound.  Have a lipid bilayer when placed in water. ◦ ________________ heads are facing water  Phosphate groups ◦ _______________ tails line up with one another.  Fatty acid side PHOSPHOLIPIDS

14  Four interlocking hydrocarbon rings with very little oxygen.  Are hydrophobic.  Basic _______________ ring structure that forms different steroids  Lipids formed from a 20- carbon fatty acid and ring structure. (____________ structure)  Important for mediation of complex processes in the body (inflammation, platelet function, bronchoconstriction, and mucus production STEROIDS EICOSANOIDS

15  Most abundant organic molecules in the body and have the widest variety of functions. ◦ (ex: framework for hair, transporting oxygen in the blood) ◦ _____________ (speed) up reactions occurring in the body. ◦ Organize and facilitate all metabolic processes.  Made of_____, _____, _____, and _____ (can also include sulfur, iron, or phosphorus)  Building blocks of proteins are ___________ ________. ◦ The amino acid sequence is what makes each protein unique and defines the protein’s function. ◦ Central carbon is attached to hydrogen atom, an amino group (NH 2 ), a carboxyl group (COOH), and a side chain.  Side chain defines the amino acid

16  20 different amino acids used by the body: ◦ Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine AlanineArginineAsparagineAspartic acidCysteine Glutamic acidGlutamineGlycineHistidineIsoleucine LeucineLysineMethioninePhenylalanineProlineSerine ThreonineTryptophanTyrosineValine  Amino acids link together via dehydration synthesis reactions. ◦ Carboxyl group of one amino acid links with the amino group of another amino acid via a peptide bond. ◦ _____peptide: 2 amino acids ◦ _____peptide: 3 amino acids in a chain ◦ _____peptide: 10 or more amino acids in a chain ◦ __________: 100+ amino acids chained together

17  Shape of protein directly determines its function.  Structure is described in four levels: ◦ _________ Structure- sequence and number of amino acids that link together to form the peptide chain. ◦ ____________ Structure- the natural bend of parts of the peptide chain as it is formed in three dimensions. ◦ _____________ Structure- overall shape of a single protein molecule. ◦ ______________Structure- when two or more tertiary structures join to form a complex macromolecule.

18  Stable, rigid, water-insoluble proteins with a long, stringy shape that are used for adding _____________ to tissues or cells. ◦ Aka ___________ proteins  Important in structural framework and physical movement.  Examples include: ◦ collagen, fibrin, and keratin  Generally water-soluble with a 3-D, convoluted shape that can change under different circumstances.  Aka ____________ proteins  Important in chemical reactions, transport of molecules, regulation of metabolism, and immune system.  Examples include: ◦ Hormones, Antibodies,, Enzymes

19  Functional proteins that ___________ or speed up chemical reactions. ◦ Will end in –ase ◦ Enzymes speed up a chemical reaction without being destroyed or altered. ◦ Enzymes are specific to the reaction that they cataylze and to the ______________ that the enzyme acts upon.  Fit like a lock and key

20  Largest molecules of the body  Composed of ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___  2 classes of Nucleic Acids ◦ _______________________________ (DNA)  Exists mainly in the nucleus but also mitochondria.  Contains all instructions needed by cell to build proteins.  Instructions determine the shape and function of every living organism  Coded in segments called __________ ◦ _______________________________ (RNA)  Transfers the instructions out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm and builds proteins.  Exists as mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA.

21  The molecular building blocks of nucleic acids.  5 different nucleotides, but all have the same basic structure: sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base. ◦ Are all composed of a 5-Carbon pentose sugar.  Sugar in DNA is _____________.  Sugar in RNA is _____________. ◦ Nucleotides are named for their nitrogen base.  Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), (Thymine), and Uracil (U)  A,G,C = DNA & RNAT = DNA onlyU = RNA only

22  Information needed to produce proteins is based on order of the nucleotides in DNA and RNA.  A gene is a sequence of nucleotides that carries the information to make one peptide chain. ◦ Long chains of genes are combined with proteins to form _________________.

23  Consists of two parallel strands of the nucleotides adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.  Connected by hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides. ◦ Adenine/Thymine and Cytosine/Guanine  Once bound, these two strands twist around one another to form a double ___________.  Order of nucleotides is what makes the genetic code of each individual unique. ◦ This code is carried in the nucleus of every cell in the body

24  Consists of only one strand of nucleotides.  Does not have thymine, but instead has uracil.  Pairings are: ◦ Guanine/ Cytosine ◦ Adenine/ Uracil  Exists in three forms: ◦ mRNA- ____________ RNA ◦ tRNA- _____________ RNA ◦ rRNA- _____________ RNA

25  Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) = energy currency of the cells. ◦ Cells need ATP to fuel any work that they do.  ATP is an RNA nucleotide containing the nitrogenous base adenine with two additional phosphate groups attached.  The bonds between the phosphate groups are called high-energy bonds. ◦ When bonds between phosphate groups are broken, energy is released. ◦ When phosphate group is lost, resulting molecule is adenosine diphosphate (ADP). ◦ When a subsequent phosphate is lost, the resulting molecule is adenosine monophosphate (AMP)

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