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+ Le verbe Avoir Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Le verbe Avoir Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Le verbe Avoir Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir

2 + In French, we use the verb avoir in several idiomatic expressions where English usually prefers the verbs to be or to feel. Example 1  Il a chaud He is hot

3 + Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir Example 2  Il a froid He is cold Example 3  Le cheval a soif The horse is thirsty

4 + Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir Example 4  Il a faim He is hungry Example 5  Il a peur He is frightened / he is afraid of

5 + Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir Example 6 Elle a de la chance She is lucky Example 7  Il a sommeil He is sleepy

6 + Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir Example 8  L’ours a honte The bear is ashamed Example 9  Le chien a l’air gentil The dogs looks gentle

7 + Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir Example 10  Le chien a envie d’un os The dog feels like having a bone Example 11  Nous avons besoin d’air We need air

8 + Idiomatic Expressions with Avoir Example 10  4 + 4 = 9J’ ai tort I am wrong Example 11  4 + 4 = 8J’ai raison I am right

9 + Let’s test your memory!

10 + Il a de la chance


12 + J’ai froid


14 + Elle a chaud


16 + Il a sommeil


18 + Il a honte

19 + 10 + 15 font 25

20 + Vous avez raison


22 + Le chien a faim


24 + Il a envie de chocolat

25 + 56 – 30 = 24

26 + Vous avez tort!


28 + Il a soif

29 + ROLE PLAY: « Au téléphone » Two friends are attending different high schools. In pairs, imagine a conversation in which they discuss the time, their classes, and likes and dislikes about their school life. Then, record your dialogue and email to me

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