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Federal Networking and Information Technology R&D Program National Coordination Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Networking and Information Technology R&D Program National Coordination Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Networking and Information Technology R&D Program National Coordination Office

2 For Official Use Only2 Big Data Senior Steering Group (BDSSG)  Created by OSTP in December 2010  Purpose:  Understand what Federal projects exist  Create a National Big Data Initiative Vision and Goals Statement  Recommend implementation strategies 9/8/2011For Official Use Only2

3 3 Current Big Data Activities  Four Categories:  FY2011 or FY2012 Solicitations  Educational Opportunities  Sponsorship of Competitions  Building Public/Private Partnerships 9/8/2011For Official Use Only3

4 4 Vision Statement A future in which the ability to analyze and extract information from large, diverse, and disparate data sets accelerates the process of scientific discovery and innovation; promotes new economic growth; and leads to new fields of research and new areas of inquiry that would otherwise be impossible. 9/8/2011For Official Use Only

5 9/8/2011For Official Use Only5 Goals Statement  Goal 1: Promote new science  Goal 2: Exploit big data to address areas of national need  Goal 3: Support stewardship of research data  Goal 4: Develop the necessary workforce and infrastructure

6 For Official Use Only6 Implementation Focus areas: 1.Core Technologies 2.Projects driven by national priorities or particular science and engineering disciplines 3.Education and Training 4.“Open Innovation” Challenges/Competitions 9/8/2011For Official Use Only6

7 Contacts: NCO/NITRD http://nitrd.gov Wendy Wigen 9/8/2011For Official Use Only7

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