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Fruit & Vegetables.

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1 Fruit & Vegetables

2 Q. Salad bars are increasingly popular in. restaurants
Q. Salad bars are increasingly popular in restaurants. Discuss the reasons why salad bars have increased in popularity. Salads pre-prepared – saves caterer time. Salads are self service – less staff needed, less overheads. Size of bowls govern portion size. Value for money. Freedom of choice for customers. Good nutritional value. Contribute to the 5 a day fruit and veg.

3 Q. Name two high carbohydrate salads that
Q. Name two high carbohydrate salads that could be included in the salad bar. Bean salad, Potato salad, Rice salad, Pasta salad, Waldorf salad

4 Q. When salads are displayed for sale they
Q. When salads are displayed for sale they need to be protected against sources of contamination. To avoid contamination suggest possible ways of displaying and serving food safely. Displaying: Behind sneeze guards to avoid contamination by customers. Polythene fronts to cabinets, so that people can see the food but not touch it. Display area frequently cleaned and serving spoons replaced. Do not overfill serving dishes. High risk foods should not be ‘topped-up’ but taken to kitchen for re-filling.

5 Serving food: Tongs and spoons to pick food up. Food should be covered. Salad dressings kept separate to salads. Food and money should not be handled at the same time – money is a source of bacteria. Animals should not be allowed in restaurants (except guide dogs).

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