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Getting Your Student Started at John Marshall. Registering for JM If not currently enrolled in a Rochester Public School, enroll at the Edison Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Your Student Started at John Marshall. Registering for JM If not currently enrolled in a Rochester Public School, enroll at the Edison Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Your Student Started at John Marshall

2 Registering for JM If not currently enrolled in a Rochester Public School, enroll at the Edison Building and then schedule an appointment with a JM counselor, between January 26-29. If your student is currently a Rochester public school student, turn your registration card in at your middle school. Call a counselor if you have questions.

3 Registration Materials Course Registration Guide Registration Card Planning your Future Booklet


5 Graduation Testing Requirements Class of 2020 Grade 11 – ACT Plus Writing Test

6 24 credits in required and elective courses Graduation Requirements How many credits must a student earn to graduate?

7 What does a Credit Equal? 1 course per semester EQUALS 0.5 credit 6 courses per semester EQUALS 3 credits 6 credits per year times 4 years EQUALS 24 credits 6 courses times 2 semesters in a year EQUALS 6 credits

8 What is a Passing Grade? A passing grade is required to earn credit for a class If a failing grade is earned in a required course, the course must be retaken Passing grades are: A=4.0 B=3.0 C=2.0 D=1.0 Failing grades are: F = 0

9 Course/Credit Requirements Courses English…………………………….4.0 credits (includes 0.5 Speech) Math ………………………………3.0 credits (through Algebra II) Science ……………………………3.0 credits (Biology, Chemistry and 0.5 Physics requirement, or elective) Social Studies……………………..3.0 credits (World History, US History, Geography, Government)

10 Course/Credit Requirements (cont). Courses Economics0.5 credits Foundations of Fitness I (PE)0.5 credits Health 0.5 credits Fine Arts 1.0 credits Electives 8.5 credits Total Credits needed to graduate:24.0 credits

11 Course Registration Guide Page 34

12 Page 14 Course Registration Guide

13 From Page 4 in the Red Book Required Courses for 9 th Grade Students must take one course from each section English Options (2 semesters) English I: Foundations11REN121REN1 English I: Foundations Honors11HEN121HEN1 Social Studies Options (2 semesters) World History12RWH22RWH *EL World History12RLWH22RLWH

14 From Page 4 in the Red Book Math Options (2 semesters) Intermediate Algebra 14RIA 24RIA Intermediate Algebra Honors 14HIA 24HIA *Geometry Honors 14HGEO 24HGEO *Alg. II Adv. Functions Honors14HA2A24HA2A Science Options (2 semesters) Biology13RBIO23RBIO Biology Honors13HBIO23HBIO PLTW: Principles of Biomedical Sci13HPBS23HPBS

15 From Page 4 in the Red Book Recommended Courses for 9 th Grade Physical Education (1 Semester) Individual Movement and Fitness08RIMF Foundations of Fitness08RFF Introduction to Weight Training and Conditioning08RWTC

16 9th Grade Courses Elective Options Agriculture Floral Design, CASE Intro to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Business, Marketing, & Technology Education Computer Skills for Academic Success, Computers for College & Careers, Introduction to Business, Personal Finance & Investing

17 More Electives Open to 9 th Graders English Drama, Speech (required before graduation) Engineering PLTW: Intro to Engineering, PLTW: Principles of Engineering*, Robotics

18 More Electives Open to 9 th Graders Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality and Tourism, Career Planning, Fashion Design, Food for Life, Culinary Arts International*, Interior Design, Life & Relationships, Money & You, Parent & Child Fine Arts Drawing & Paint I & Draw & Paint II*, Concert Band, Concert Orchestra, Rocket Choir

19 More Electives Open to 9 th Graders Industrial Technology PLTW: Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Intro to Construction Trades, Power Mechanics, Woods 1 Information Technology Information Technology Launch Physical Education Life Activities*, Fitness Through Court Sports*

20 More Electives Open to 9 th Graders Reading Content Reading and Study Skills Science Astronomy*, PLTW: Principles of Biomedical Science World Language American Sign Language, French, German, Latin, & Spanish

21 Special Situations Students receiving special education services and their parents should work closely with their middle school case manager in planning their high school coursework. Students in EL classes will work closely with their teachers and counselors to choose the right classes.

22 Smith Simon Thomas 11REN1 21REN1 12RWH22RWH 14RIA 24RIA 13HBIO 23HBIO Honors 08RFF 08RLA Spanish 1 15RSP1 25RSP1 Honors Rocket Choir Info Tech Launch Woods 1Floral Design 06RITL 17RCHR 27RCHR 06RW1 0ARFDA Allison Smith Life Act

23 8 th Graders Visit JM Feb. 5 – Friedell, RCLS, Kellogg, & Lincoln Feb. 10 – JA 8 th graders Feb. 11 – JA 8 th graders Feb. 12 – JA 8 th graders They will be here with their schools from 10:30 – 1:30 with a welcome, lunch, and scheduled activities run by the student council members.

24 Get Involved! In Activities & Athletics…. Art, Music, & Dance Art Club Jazz Ensemble JM Color Guard Northern Lites Rhythm Nation Leadership & Education Anime Club Concerned Student Task Force G.P.S. (Guiding + Students) International Youth Club Latin Club French Club Pep-Fest Committee Student Council Sign Language Club Drama & Speech Rochord (Yearbook) Rocket (Newspaper) Speech Team Theatre JM Vocational/Professional BPA (Business Professionals of America) FCCLA (Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America) FFA (Future Farmers of America) Skills USA (VICA) Mind Stimulating Chess Club Knowledge Masters Team Math League Science Olympiad Service Amnesty International Gay/Straight Alliance Key Club National Honor Society Social Science Service Club Fellowship of Christian Athletes

25 Get Involved! In Activities & Athletics…. Fall SportsWinter SportsSpring Sports Football Boys cross country Girls cross country Girls tennis Girls swim/dive Volleyball Boys soccer Girls soccer Cheerleading Rockettes Boys basketball Girls basketball Boys hockey Girls hockey Wrestling Boys swim/dive Gymnastics Adaptive floor hockey Cheerleading Rockettes Boys golf Girls golf Boys tennis Girls track Boys track Softball Baseball Boys lacrosse Girls lacrosse

26 Add Time Schedule

27 Visit the rooms listed below to hear more information about specific subject areas: ArtConnolly3-213 BusinessHutchins Rocket Center EL ServicesBordelon3-105 EnglishRogers3-117 CTECHBroviak Rocket Center Family/Consumer ScienceTweed Rocket Center Gate/Honors ProgramCobb3-122 Graduation RequirementsJM Counseling Staff3-103 Industrial TechnologyKomaniecki Rocket Center MathMiner3-109 MusicRusin1-116 PE/Health/AthleticsAdams/Kinneberg Auditorium ReadingAtkinson 3-115 ScienceRuden 5-103 Social StudiesBender 3-120 Support ServicesGosse3-111 World LanguageMcGouirk3-118

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