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ADD school and date here. 2 Allow 15 to 20 additional time for administrative process Breaks are not included in timeframe Assessments are untimed. SubjectEstimated.

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Presentation on theme: "ADD school and date here. 2 Allow 15 to 20 additional time for administrative process Breaks are not included in timeframe Assessments are untimed. SubjectEstimated."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADD school and date here

2 2 Allow 15 to 20 additional time for administrative process Breaks are not included in timeframe Assessments are untimed. SubjectEstimated Student Working Time per session Writing90-120 minutes per session Reading75-90 minutes Mathematics75-90 minutes Science75-90 minutes No changes in OSPIs estimated times ~ Any changes for your school…

3 3  Add your notes or delete Participation: Who will test where? Attendance:

4 4  It is your responsibility to ensure that standard procedures are followed.  Ensure understanding of testing protocol  Follow your district and school security procedures for distribution, and return of secure assessment materials. (Chain of Custody) Including scratch paper and Glossaries.  Monitor the classroom. Watch for irregularities during testing and document any inappropriate behavior during testing.  Follow the Code of Professional Conduct Chapter 181-87 WAC.

5 5  Confidentiality Follow your building testing security plan  Tests must be locked-up when not in use  Verify ID if you don’t know the student  Only staff members carry test booklets  Account for all secure materials Ensure confidentiality of test booklets under your control  Generally Recognized Standards Ensure students have access to what they need – not an advantage Provide appropriate allowable accommodations for all students

6 6  Read the DFA  Prepare your room  Prepare your students  Review class list and who needs accommodations  Familiarize yourself with tools and accommodations allowed

7 7  Pick-up booklets at _______ by ________  DFA in the classroom (Reminder: Writing prompt is not in the DFA - read from a student test booklet)  Tools clearly identified for the subject area and available for students  Room is ready, walls have only appropriate materials  Place “Testing-Do Not Disturb” sign on door  Collect backpacks and cell phones  Clear calculators

8 We can re-read test directions (NOT test questions) aloud for any test as many times as students need. If a student asks for help on a question, we can suggest: * Read the question quietly out loud to yourself. * Use your pencil to underline key words in the test question. * Think about what the question is asking you to do. At the beginning of the test we can remind students to complete all items. When they turn in their booklets, we can ask if they are sure they completed all items. For the Writing test: * We can define single words in the writing prompt (task) in a way that ensures students understand. * We can define any words or phrases on the Writing checklist, as long as we don’t hint or imply how students should write their response. 8 What is allowed during test administration? You can do it!

9 9  Read the Directions verbatim from the DFA. Please do not elaborate or paraphrase  Monitor by walking around the room. Ensure that students are: ◦ Using #2 pencils ◦ Not sharing their work ◦ Not using unauthorized tools ◦ Not writing near the inner half-inch by the spine  Notice if students: ◦ Are ready for a break ◦ Need help navigating the assessment

10  There is enough time to finish the assessment,  they have not had access or knowledge about testing materials, and  reading directions will not disturb others.  Add your notes

11 11  Add your schedule information here

12 12  Close test booklets  Instruct students not to discuss the test  Students are monitored by staff  Bathroom break – one student at a time  If students are moving to a different testing location, a staff member must transport the booklets

13 13  Do what you can to correct the situation (take away the cell phone, remove the materials, etc.)  Continue testing, whenever possible  Report the irregularity to your SAC immediately  Document what happened, who was involved and how the situation was corrected. Be as specific as possible. Refer to the specific test items affected when appropriate.

14 14  Consult your School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) regarding all irregularities.  Make any notes or comments on your “Test Security Assurance Form”  When instructed by the SAC, document the irregularity on the front cover of test booklets in the “Notes: Proctor/Coordinator” box.  SAC will complete an irregularity report when required  SAC will annotate the irregularity on the Pre-ID roster in “Comments” section  IMPORTANT: DO NOT INVALIDATE THE BOOKLET Invalidations for individual students will be determined by the DAC in consultation with the SAC. Invalidations for student groups will be investigated by the DAC, reported to OSPI, and invalidated, as necessary, after conclusion of investigation.

15 15 Collect materials from students immediately after completion:  Verify that the booklet is signed  Note the time a student finished testing in the comment box if it appears they made little or no effort to test.  Confirm that you have collected all Writing scratch paper, Mathematics Formula Sheets and Glossaries. All paper handed to a student must be accounted for and returned to the SAC for shredding. Return to the School Assessment Coordinator:  All test booklets and secure materials which includes the scratch paper and glossaries, etc., distributed to students.  Test Security Assurance Form Complete the online OSPI Proctor Questionnaire (website link will be available after the assessment)

16 16

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