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One million germs Sanne Gabi. Why should you wash your hands??  You should wash your hands because if you touch a doorknob think about all the people.

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Presentation on theme: "One million germs Sanne Gabi. Why should you wash your hands??  You should wash your hands because if you touch a doorknob think about all the people."— Presentation transcript:

1 One million germs Sanne Gabi

2 Why should you wash your hands??  You should wash your hands because if you touch a doorknob think about all the people who have touched it before you, and then rub your eyes mouth or nose, you could get a deadly disease!!!

3 ??Hand Sanitizer??  Hand sanitizer isn't like washing your hands it doesn't kill all of the germs like washing your hands with soap and water!!!

4 Steps to washing your hands!!!  The first one

5 PLEASE!!!!!! Make sure to wash your hands then you might not be a creep anymore. ;)

6 II Think if you sneeze on your hand then touch something or someone with out washing them that’s liked getting a spray bottle spraying your hand then wiping it on someone

7 If she can do it so can you!!! Don’t be gross and wash your hands!!!

8 THE END!!!!!!!!!! And bye bye germs!!!!

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